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I’m gona go against my better judgment on this one and join the fray for a moment, when I say that no matter where they go, they still suck! DAM!!! All that paint and zero improvement, that is a little tedious after a while. You know what I'm saying. All busted throw ups and no style is fucking boring homey!


Leave that paint for those who know how to use it. We can all see that you get to the same places the rest of us do, but can't leave anything behind besides a hand me down throw that gets progressively less and less filled in as the years go on. I mean you used to at least fill your shit in, now your shit just looks like shit from the get go.


Maybe you should move to NYC where people love that trash and there you can be amongst your intellectual piers. That is until one of them stabs you in the neck after painting with you. Ah, yes its a bright future you have in store.


Lest you think I don’t like you let me say ‘congratulations’, you are the best, worst graffiti writers ever!


Here are some ideas for your crew name hope you like em.


ATB = A Toys Bling, A Tightttttttttt But, Absent Talent Bombing, A Toys Born, All Teenagers Bona fide, Amazing Talent Boundary, Pressed To Death (admittedly that one takes a little alphabetical imagination), All Thuged out Bitches, A Thong Below, Any Things Better, and lets not for get All Time Bammas… Oh, wait I forgot it's 'Addicted to Bombing'. Sooooo thguggggish-rugish, and by far the best!?! What the fuck is that?


Are you guys collectively 5 years old or what? It's not even funny,when people suck they usually make up for it by being ironic or witty or something, but you actually take your shit seriously. Laughable, if it wasn’t sooooo dam ugly.


Remember after graffiti life goes on, you sour puss.


I look forward to burning you at a wall soon. :heartbeat:


Love Heatwave.

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Crew full of white boys thinking they came into the game with intentions of gangster fame..pshh..your shits weak..your throwups are not even amateur..it looks like when your doing them your in a hurry because you might get your ass stomped if someone were to see you. ATB should just drive their Navigator into a gas tank.

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From an outsiders point of view atb is dooing they shit, how can you all say there so wack when they have done damage in multiple city's, stay true to bombing, take back there shit with fills over and over, when all i have seen from you all is a bunch of crying, not even dooing fill for fill, yet you say there probly scared, judging by the way things look its you all that are woried, I dont know atb or who there against, im just saying and the most i ever saw from cave was one freight train, and it was dissed by atb, so that left a lasting impresion. It also looks like they are stacked with paint, and you all are waiting for your next paycheck to buy a galon of roller paint and some krylon. Good luck. :gaga: :gaga:

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okay, i've read posts on here before about slae biting new york but has anyone ever really "seen" anything like this...




and i'll agree, this paint, post, dis, post, paint, post, dis, post thing is getting kinda old. i get enjoyment out of seeing people getting what they deserve but seriously just end it, settle that shit like it should have been done. dont get me wrong, fuck atb and their whole lack of intelligence but it is getting old with you dis me i dis you, you dis me i dis you, you dis me, i dis you. settle that shit. if anything do it for america. and the lovely rebulican anti-jesus country it has become. guac and roll baby, guac and roll

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i hate atb crew, all of you are faggots. grow up. this war does not matter, and your just fucking shit up. your gay throwups dont even look good, and i have no respect for anything you do. coma, do a tag with a c next time, just try it.

i really dont want to get caught up in this emotional ass soap opera scene, so im just throwing this out there. anyways, your all gay, get over yourselves, stop tagging, we're sick of you. just keeping it real on the internet.

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