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My mother's side of the family had to leave Russia in the 20's to get away from the pogroms. I don't know if they were state-sanctioned, but they certainly happened, and there wasn't a whole lot people could do except leave, be killed, or somehow escape scrutiny.


But, is what is going on now with Islam much different? They aren't the bad guys, the bad guys are the ones who are intolerant and dogmatic to a degree that they won't settle for a compromise. I could see how both sides may be to blame...but, that makes me one of them, doesn't it?


If we're going to achieve peace anywhere on the planet, it's going to start when people realize that they need to be willing to negotiate in good faith. That means, putting the guns down and hearing what the other side has to say for a change, then finding some mutually acceptable arrangement.

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"Lenin's fight against anti-Semitism


After the revolution, Lenin worked hard to combat Anti-Semitism in Russia. In a radio speech in 1919, Lenin said: "The Tsarist police, in alliance with the landowners and the capitalists, organized pogroms against the Jews. The landowners and capitalists tried to divert the hatred of the workers and peasants who were tortured by want against the Jews. ... Only the most ignorant and downtrodden people can believe the lies and slander that are spread about the Jews. ... It is not the Jews who are the enemies of the working people. The enemies of the workers are the capitalists of all countries. Among the Jews there are working people, and they form the majority. They are our brothers, who, like us, are oppressed by capital; they are our comrades in the struggle for socialism. ... Shame on accursed Tsarism which tortured and persecuted the Jews. Shame on those who foment hatred towards the Jews, who foment hatred towards other nations."




yeah how heroic... a mass murdering dictator speaking out against anti semitism. yup, he now gets an A+ in my book. his slate is cleared!


socialism is tyranny whether it is the nazi, bolshevik or bushchevist persuation.




Hey dipshit, I never said his slate was cleared you stupid asshole. I pointed it out because Stereotype threw in something about him killing jews which was not true.

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well, the Jews got no favors from soviet communism, no matter how involved in the incubation of the entire movement they were...


but, at the thread title... I think the most twisted thing we're being told these days is:


"The terrorists only have to be right once, we have to be right everyday!"


Bullshit, the terrorists aren't attacking everyday. This isn't Israel and the terrorists just aren't that organized. We only 'need to be right' on the days he terrorists attack us. I mean, I TOTALLY expect that from my government from a national security standpoint but I also totally expect that it won't always be perfect and Americans will die, hopefully not me...

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Yeah, and Bushie says it's safer now for Americans. What about the Americans who are over in Iraq, earning a government paycheck? It seems to me that one of the major reasons we haven't been attacked by Al Kaeda is, Iraq has become a rompa-room for the terrorists. It seems far more likely that terrorists, capable of making an attack on U.S. soil, instead go after the U.S. Army in Bahgdad.

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well, the Jews got no favors from soviet communism, no matter how involved in the incubation of the entire movement they were...




Really, no one got favors from Soviet communism. But Lenin saying something like that was a billion percent of an improvement from the slaughters that used to happen. Whole towns were wiped out, a dozen of my distant relatives were killed.




And I feel no less or more safe than I did before 9/11. When I look up at a building I don't think about planes crashing into it until someone mentions it. Occasionally I'll think about "terrorism" on the subway but it's so unlikely. Most of it is just mindgames, the whole color-chart is a ridiculous abomination of a smudge on sanity.

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You do realize these "harsh terms" were being used to describe Bin Laden and friends, correct? Is it wrong for those god damn "red blooded" simplistic country bumpkins to want to "destroy them"? What do you propose Bush refer to them as, UBL and the sunshine band? My point being that there are more important issues to focus on within his administration than him using terms that you think are too harsh to describe people that want to see westerners in general die.


Hardy har har, you totally called me on that brah! I'm eating that lump of shit right now! A fox article blowing one incident among hundreds out of proportion...an incident that even with the fox inflation isn't remotely comparable to the press coverage these comments from bush and the "islamo fascist" ones have gotten. Totally eating it dawg!!


I do ... and I wasn't going on to that tangent. I understand its importance, no belittling intended. No I don't think anyone needs to be destroyed, I do feel we set this up with our ethnocentric foreign policy over the last 50 years. Even when we do present a good facade for a policy there is the ultimate goal of gain for us at the loss of another group.


I'm not eating shit ... you didn't call me out on anything. I started this thread out of the fact I was amused at the language coming from the admin recently. Its not a hot button, or of much relevance at all ... but it is funny as shit.

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