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Man begs "don't kill me!" as cops tazer him to death


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Yeah, you laugh because you've got no response and no alternatives. Cops aren't going to go out of there way to nab you if you didn't do shit, they're not going to get up there and testify over you writing graffiti and smoking a joint if you're not guilty about it.




No... :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: means I'm laughing at your stupid statement. You are naive REAL NAIVE. Everything you said they aren't going to do... they do on a DAILY basis.

Either you need to leave your house more or I need to move to Boston.:haha:





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Yeah, you laugh because you've got no response and no alternatives. Cops aren't going to go out of there way to nab you if you didn't do shit, they're not going to get up there and testify over you writing graffiti and smoking a joint if you're not guilty about it.




ok fermentor youre making some decent points, but using all the wrong words to make them.

yes not all cops will go out of their way to arrest you they do not see you doing something against the law, but the cops who don't do that protect the cops who do and let them do that.

same thing with cops lying in court. yes not all cops kill people i am pretty sure i have said that quite a few times on here; but there are allot of cops who do commit crimes, and the rest of the cops do nothing but sit there and let them do it with the occasional exception of course.

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^^ I know what you're saying and I pretty much agree. It's the other guys ignorance I'm taking issue with. But the thing is, arrest records are public and so are most trials, in this country. There's a much better chance of those cops gettings uprooted in this country then there are in many others. I know you a bit and know you're not the one being retarded here.


There are cops who are criminals, but what this faggot --> argues is that they are ALL criminals and he's completely incapable of any discussion or debate what-so-ever. Someone should send his ass down to some South American countries or third world countries and see just how corrupt the cops can get. It's awful easy to call this country a fascist, police state when you're sitting on a fully uncensored internet with your right to free speech, attorney, and fair trial. And then when someone says something different, you can call them a "fascist, naive cop-lover" and play the same game you're ranting against. Loser.

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Hey DICKFACE, why do you feel compeled to twist my words to try and make a point? I'm pretty much saying the same thing as Spectr. You seriously DO sound like a naive rich kid who's out of touch with reality. One of these days you're going to get smacked into reality.


Also I love how you morons always say "go to a thirdworld"country and see how the cops act... why don't YOU go to any number of European countries, Canada, Austrailia or any other civilized "free" country and see if they tazer and beat women and children and shoot people for not dropping to their knees on command when they weren't even doing anything to deserve being wrestled and hogtied to begin with?




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Dude, police brutality happens in eeeeeevery country on earth. All that shit you described, HAS and DOES happen in the countries you mentioned. Just cause you haven't caught it on youtube doesn't mean it doesn't occur.



Of course it happens. I'm just saying not to the same extent or on as much of a regular basis.





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Hey DICKFACE, why do you feel compeled to twist my words to try and make a point? I'm pretty much saying the same thing as Spectr. You seriously DO sound like a naive rich kid who's out of touch with reality. One of these days you're going to get smacked into reality.


Also I love how you morons always say "go to a thirdworld"country and see how the cops act... why don't YOU go to any number of European countries, Canada, Austrailia or any other civilized "free" country and see if they tazer and beat women and children and shoot people for not dropping to their knees on command when they weren't even doing anything to deserve being wrestled and hogtied to begin with?





Hahaha. Man I can't wait for our fascist state to crack down on you for calling them out. Since this is a fascist police state, you should be in jail pretty soon for what you've said on here, no?

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And the difference between what you are saying and what spectr is saying is large. While he actually articulates and elaborates, you simply call everyone "NAIVE!!!!!" or "SHEEP!!!" or "SLAVESSS!!" or "OBEDIENT DOGS!!!" or "FUCKING IDIOT!!!". You call everyone children yet you're the one typing out tantrums and infantile name-calling. Not only that, but you try to turn it all into some class war, like everyone who disagrees with you on 12oz rides around in the countryside on a noble steed with feather caps and white gloves, playing their flute in the meadow and eating caviar for breakfast. And I don't have to twist your words around because these are your words right here:


"In the states you wouldn't have been able to get a word in. You would have both been arrested and or beaten/tazered for even opening your mouth. "Nah officer it's cool" SHUTUP!!! "Officer I'll calm her down" TTTTZZZZZZTTT!!!! TTTTZZZZZZTTTTT!!!!!!


"MR Mamereo, how do you plead to the charges of assulting an officer, resisting arrest, etc, etc.???"




So now, tell me how you aren't saying that all cops are evil and power-hungry?


But hey, it's your revolution, kid. Go out and scream "SHEEP, NAIVE IDIOT SHEEP SLAVES!!!" until your lungs cave in and you'll still be living free in fascist America instead of in a cell somewhere in China for putting up a flyer for a politician. And when someone walks by, laughs at you, and calls you a faggot you can be pleased because it means we've left the house for the third time in our lives. Then maybe you'll smarten up and get an education or at least read a few books so you can focus all that rage and anger in a better fashion instead of fumbling empty words out of your angry little pocket.



Edit: And if you have gotten your education already, then you're wasting it.

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You're just an idiot. It's clear that you live in a fantacy world. I'm not even going to waste my time anymore arguing with you. Someday you're going to step outside your house and reality is going to smack you in your face... or maybe you'll get tazered to death while begging for your life "Please don't kill me!!! I have a familly to support!!!". But I'll be sure to turn a blind eye and write you off like you deserved what you got. After all, the police are here to serve and protect us against criminals like you. Whatever it is you actually did.

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while i agree with allot of what you say -->, i do think you overstate things quite a bit, yes we are starting down a dark road from which this country will most likely not return, yes the police are the enemy of the people, yes the bush adminastration is a bunch of facists, wait i think we all might be left wing, gay bashing, religious zealots i.e. facists; in one sense or another. But we aren't quite there, yes we are getting closer on a daily basis and the damage that has been done is going to be almost impossible to reverse, and yes in 10 or 20 years we might be closer to what china is becomming. But you are being somewhat of a alarmist. Not that is disagree with you on most things I don't i just think you over state them.

Though fermentor i will say that what --> is doing i think needs to happen sometimes, he is overstating whats going on, so you are doubting him, but given 5 years after hearing what he has to say you might come to see a point of view similar to his. Lets look at the war in iraq as a example, lots of people knew the war in iraq was just going to make things worse not better, and was doomed to failure. Yet those people we mocked, ignored, laughed at, etc... at the time, the scenario they presented was called a worst possible situtation, and there was no chance that it was going to go down like that, it couldn't get that bad. But now look it is, and people are starting to come around to a point of view similar to the ones those people had. I think its good to scream wolf when you know one is coming but its a ways off.

Though fermentor in no way do i agree with the name calling and insults being hurled around lets leave that to politicians...

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Guest Ginger Bread Man

ive been beaten by the fuzz. also they slashed all 4 brand spanking new tires on my camaro and "had no record of where i was". my family thought i was dead for 4 days

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I now return to my safe haven of Channel Zero

12oz quote of the week.

But yeah --> i agree with you about allot of stuff, and i agree the alarm has to be rung before its too late. but to those who aren't fully aware of whats going on it makes the person informing them seem a bit crazy; they need to be schooled slowly, and be made to see the links; not just given the whole picture all at once. When they are given the whole picture all at once they just can't put all those pieces together.

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Though fermentor i will say that what --> is doing i think needs to happen sometimes, he is overstating whats going on, so you are doubting him, but given 5 years after hearing what he has to say you might come to see a point of view similar to his. Lets look at the war in iraq as a example, lots of people knew the war in iraq was just going to make things worse not better, and was doomed to failure. Yet those people we mocked, ignored, laughed at, etc... at the time, the scenario they presented was called a worst possible situtation, and there was no chance that it was going to go down like that, it couldn't get that bad. But now look it is, and people are starting to come around to a point of view similar to the ones those people had. I think its good to scream wolf when you know one is coming but its a ways off.

Though fermentor in no way do i agree with the name calling and insults being hurled around lets leave that to politicians...




It's good for someone to speak out against police brutality, but not in the way dickhead here is doing. If he left out the histrionics and 5-year-old behavior then it'd be interesting to talk about. But instead it's just a bunch of big-mouthing coming from a little body. Not only that, but dude can't even spell "fantasy" right. His fantasy-world consists of only two colors, no greys, and him on top of the throne with everyone else begging for his insight into absurdity.


And that was precisely my point when I said "Then maybe you'll smarten up and get an education or at least read a few books so you can focus all that rage and anger in a better fashion instead of fumbling empty words out of your angry little pocket."


What really hurts him is the inability to respond with anything other than "ur in a fantacy world, u never leave ur house", basically ignoring everything valid point that is brought up against what he's saying and the way he says it. More or less the definition of "living in a fantasy world".

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It's good for someone to speak out against police brutality, but not in the way dickhead here is doing. If he left out the histrionics and 5-year-old behavior then it'd be interesting to talk about. But instead it's just a bunch of big-mouthing coming from a little body. Not only that, but dude can't even spell "fantasy" right. His fantasy-world consists of only two colors, no greys, and him on top of the throne with everyone else begging for his insight into absurdity.


And that was precisely my point when I said "Then maybe you'll smarten up and get an education or at least read a few books so you can focus all that rage and anger in a better fashion instead of fumbling empty words out of your angry little pocket."


What really hurts him is the inability to respond with anything other than "ur in a fantacy world, u never leave ur house", basically ignoring everything valid point that is brought up against what he's saying and the way he says it. More or less the definition of "living in a fantasy world".


Wow! I'm a 5 year old? You're the "dickhead" that came at me talking shit. remember that? No? You're also the "dickhead" that keeps trying to sound like you know what the fuck you're talking about when clearly you don't... when clearly you're the one sheltered in a fantasy world. LOOK AT THE LINK AGAIN! I don't care what color you are that could be you! I'm just trying to let people like you know this! You could fuck up and be at the wrong place at the wrong time and some pissed off cops could be in the wrong mood about whatever and you could end up being MURDERED ON CAMERA and there will always be the one or two or hundred dickheads talking about how you had it coming and the police know what they're doing LIKE YOU ARE NOW. And there will always be someone like me screeming bloody murder about it and argueing with IDIOTS like you who think that this is normal and that America is not a fascist police state until YOU YOURSELF get carted off to prison or some internment camp. But don't worry, when that happens there will be plenty others JUST LIKE YOU to argue in defense of the cops that took you away. Plenty of people JUST LIKE YOU to argue against people like me just to hear themselves talk.


How's it go?

they came for th Jews, but I wasn't a Jew so I didn't speak out.

then they came for the Gypsies, but I wasn't a Gypsy so I didn't speak out.

Then they came for the Catholics, but I wasn't a Catholic so I didn't speak out.

When they finally came for me, there was nobody left to speak out for me...





Do they even teach world history anymore???

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Anyone who thinks that police aren't corrupt pieces of shit has most likely had very limited interraction with them


I now return to my safe haven of Channel Zero




YeAh dOoDeR! aNarChy DoOd!


Oh please. The police are here for a reason. To keep you snivelling liberals in line. I think they do a good job. This is our America now... not yours. If you don't like it then leave! It's as simple as that.

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YeAh dOoDeR! aNarChy DoOd!


Oh please. The police are here for a reason. To keep you snivelling liberals in line. I think they do a good job. This is our America now... not yours. If you don't like it then leave! It's as simple as that.


you know sarcasm doesn't translate that well over the internet for most people....

oh wait you do know youre banned...

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Wow! I'm a 5 year old? You're the "dickhead" that came at me talking shit. remember that? No? You're also the "dickhead" that keeps trying to sound like you know what the fuck you're talking about when clearly you don't... when clearly you're the one sheltered in a fantasy world. LOOK AT THE LINK AGAIN! I don't care what color you are that could be you! I'm just trying to let people like you know this! You could fuck up and be at the wrong place at the wrong time and some pissed off cops could be in the wrong mood about whatever and you could end up being MURDERED ON CAMERA and there will always be the one or two or hundred dickheads talking about how you had it coming and the police know what they're doing LIKE YOU ARE NOW. And there will always be someone like me screeming bloody murder about it and argueing with IDIOTS like you who think that this is normal and that America is not a fascist police state until YOU YOURSELF get carted off to prison or some internment camp. But don't worry, when that happens there will be plenty others JUST LIKE YOU to argue in defense of the cops that took you away. Plenty of people JUST LIKE YOU to argue against people like me just to hear themselves talk.


How's it go?

they came for th Jews, but I wasn't a Jew so I didn't speak out.

then they came for the Gypsies, but I wasn't a Gypsy so I didn't speak out.

Then they came for the Catholics, but I wasn't a Catholic so I didn't speak out.

When they finally came for me, there was nobody left to speak out for me...





Do they even teach world history anymore???




Haha, whatever man. Who's talking about the video? I already commented on that at the beginning and I never said the police did the right thing. You fucked with everyone on this thread and acted like you were top-dog and your only response is to tell us that we live in a "fantasy land". Who are you, George fuckin' Bush? You say the same shit over and over again and don't own up to your mistakes. Enough fun, someone else can take over getting you mad for laughs.

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I think my major point to you was/is that the police are not the worst thing we have to fear in a fascist state and they also should not be the first thing we look to as indication. Because the legislation will come long before the police will.


Also, this video isn't a good example to argue on the torture bill, since this wasn't related to terrorism, even in the loosest sense, and those cops could have done the same thing 20 years ago. And there was probably shit like this going on 20 years ago, as well, even more than now.

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