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Man begs "don't kill me!" as cops tazer him to death


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that was pretty sad to watch. made me angry. then again we don't know what this guy did. i don't know, but usually cops are not going to man-handle you with 10 cops and taser you because you were a good samaritan. even if you're drunk (but not rowdy and violent), or using/selling drugs, littering, running a red light, doing graffiti, just got in a fight with someone, etc... as long as you submit to the police, obey their instructions, be calm and not make any sudden or suspicious movements, should be alright. i mean for him to get tasered he had to have done something to take it to another level. that said, it did look extreme and inhumane to taser him, not to mention them interpreting his convulsions as being "resisting." come on now.


...Not to mention that as they were bringing him in the door he was begging "please don't kill me!!!" before they tazered him to death. Sounds like they already gave him an indication of what was coming. That's 1st degree murder.

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I'm with ---> on this one.


Just finished watching Cops -- the boys were chasing some hillbilly, the cop pulled out a tazer, the hillbilly stopped running, had his hands up, and he got tazed anyway. Then porky tried to explain himself on camera, he was mixing words and clearly bullshiting.


Motherfucking cops are on a powertrip, and they're sadistic on top of that, if they think they can get away with hurting you, they'll do it without hesitation.


What pisses me off though is that people are ok with it. Read the comments on those Youtube videos, the public is cheering for the cops, screaming for more blood. Just an angry mob that thinks the people in power can do no wrong, that's what America has become. It makes me think the majority of Americans don't deserve to live in a country like the US, where the cops are there to protect the public, not intimidate them with their authority. The Americans of today would be very happy under Mussolini's Italy, or any dictatorship, as long as they get their fast food and cheap television.



I agree with you 100%... and it make's me want to put my head through a brick wall that our country has digressed to this fascist police state and that people are so MISSIMFORMED that they honestly believe that this is what America is supposed to be and that this bullshit is acceptable. FUCKING SLAVES!!!!!!!

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dam this is still going strong i see.

Big Narnia Loc, are you snitching on the cops to the cops? thats never a good idea.

There are solutions other then armed police, the fact that you have a group of brainwashed under-educated voilent people armed with guns, convinced that everyone they encounter is a criminal who might have a weapon and be planning on killing them; does not reassure me that they can be trusted to do any good for society.

People are quite able to survive without being policed by armed psychopaths. most people respect each other enough not to commit crimes against one another, the majority of crimes commited could be prevented if other factors leading to the criminal act were legal ( ex: drugs ), The police just make the situation worse. The police make most "criminals", they are people who would otherwise commit no major offense in the eyes of society, until they get the stigma of being a criminal attached to them by the acts that they do, and the constant fear of the police. Once someone reaches that state what do they have to lose they are already a criminal so whats the difference in how much of a criminal they are?

the police are the emeny of the people..



This entire post is 100% truth.

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I dunno man, I think it's dumb to stereotype all cops as either good or bad. There has to be some level of law enforcement in this country. And we're not living in a "police state", you gotta stop saying that. I think there are fascist undercurrents that are moving through this country but it's very far from a fascist police state. There are no curfews, dress codes, checkpoints, any of that shit. There are checkpoints for drunk drivers in some places and I think that's a little excessive, but then again so many automobile casualties are caused by drunk drivers.


And calling everyone "FUCKING SLAVES" for disagreeing with you is also dumb and to an extent fascistic.

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When the nations police departments make an effort to hire thugs and train them to be even worse, and systematically weed out anybody that operates under common sense and decency... and you have a federal government that supports and incourages this... you get what we now have. A fascist police state. And yes the curfews, dress codes, and checkpoints are slowly taking place. Starting with the school age children first to get them used to being enslaved with dress codes and having to walk through check points and every thing else so that a few years down the line when they pull that shit publicly on everyone else, the people that came up in our current school systems will be there to laugh at and ridicule all of us old heads that have a problem with it. Why do you think they're making this National "real ID" law? You honestly beleive they aren't getting ready to put mandatory checkpoints on all the highways to check EVERYBODY for warrents?


They use kids with guns as an excuse for the checkpoints and dress codes, and drunk drivers as an excuse for checkpoints in the streets.... there has always been kids with guns shooting people, and drunk drivers killing people as long as there's been schools and cars. But now all of a sudden it's such a problem that we need to shut down America and move towards turning it into a prison camp? But blaim it on the terrorists too right?:rolleyes:




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I dunno man, I think it's dumb to stereotype all cops as either good or bad. There has to be some level of law enforcement in this country. And we're not living in a "police state", you gotta stop saying that. I think there are fascist undercurrents that are moving through this country but it's very far from a fascist police state. There are no curfews, dress codes, checkpoints, any of that shit. There are checkpoints for drunk drivers in some places and I think that's a little excessive, but then again so many automobile casualties are caused by drunk drivers.


And calling everyone "FUCKING SLAVES" for disagreeing with you is also dumb and to an extent fascistic.


See i agree with you about sterotyping cops in some senses. The thing you have to consider is the cops who actually became police with the intrests of the people in mind, are part of a organization that is corrupt, that abuses the trust invested in it by the people, commits crimes, is controlled by special intrests that do not allow it to perform the service for the community that it is supposed to do. There are "bad" cops, cops who break the law, murder people, etc. shit i could go on listing things for hours. Those cops who fail to arrest the bad cops are just as bad as those cops. They are breaking a contract with the people to serve and protect them. Now this isn't just the polices fault there is more to it then that but the police are in a special position with the trust they are given by the public.

I belive the analogy of living in a police state has become a true one in recent years; we have rights in this country as long as they say we do. now what is going to stop the police from coming to my house with the f.b.i. and saying that i am a terrorist and detaning me for a indefenite period of time? granted they are not dragging your friends away, i havent been dragged away, but there are plenty of people who have been, guess they just haven't gotten around to us yet but don't worry they are coming. There are unoffical curfews in the u.s. walk around any non-white neighborhood late and night and see what happens, the police are most likely going to stop you and see what you are doing? wait aren't we all free to leave our houses whenever we want? they do run checkpoints for other things across the country, such as driver lisence, insurance, amber alerts.

please notice i said police state was a analogy for what we are going through in most places in this country.

and ---> thanks for keeping this thread going.

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Well, it's true that if you're walking around any neighborhood and you're young you have a good chance of getting stopped. Personally, I've been stopped in predominently white neighborhoods more then I have in any others. But if you were 40, you wouldn't be stopped. There's pressure on the police to PREVENT crime. Anytime there's a string of murders in Boston, the press and people are in an uproar about making our neighborhoods safe and not having enough cops around--or youth programs. Most cops don't drive around and say "hey, let's fuck with that kid right there because it'll be fun". It's funny, cause people who complain about it on this site are involved with illegal activities on a regular basis. Writing graffiti, smoking pot, getting shit-faced in public, etc. These are things that will get you arrested and if it looks like you're into it, you'll get stopped. But I see tons of different people walk around Boston late at night, good and bad neighborhoods, and not get stopped by police. Some real shady motherfuckers and groups of kids and I can drive down the street and swing back 10 minutes later and they're still there.


A video like this is terrible, but it's not a rule. What you're saying is the same shit that people who watch "World's Scariest Police Chases" say about how "every hick/nigger is a crackhead criminal". And the National ID thing is fucked, yes, but it's not the fault of any individual cop, it's the fault of politicians. My problem is that you're (arrow) singling out COPS rather than legislation and politics. Cops have nothing to do with making law. They are not the ones who decide on policy regarding checkpoints, metal detectors in schools, or ID cards. Cops in the city generally have more important things to do with their time then stop you for doing nothing. It means they have to fill out paperwork on something that's inconsequential and will probably be proven wrong in a court of law. I have this feeling that you think that cops are the enemy of the people because you got arrested for smoking pot in a playground at night a few times.

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I have this feeling that you think that cops are the enemy of the people because you got arrested for smoking pot in a playground at night a few times.

not at all man, actually i have never been arrested for smoking pot. My personal experiences with police have not been bad in general, I know how to talk to them. Though there have been a few exceptions to that rule. regardless of my personal experiences there are reasons for my statement.

I have already pointed out quite a few, but you pointed out one other.

Politicians make the laws the police enforce, yes special intrests, the political system is corrupt in this country, in congress the corporations make the laws, the preident used to supreme court to steal a election, 1% of the country controls the country and what laws are made. The police serve these peoples intrests which are not in the intrest of the people (the majority of the people in this country). If the police are not serving the intrests of the people and are serving intrests contrary well then there is a problem. If those contrary intrests are detrimental to the people such as a majority of the policies that the police currently enforced then the police become an enemy of the people. Ok so its not fully the fault of the police, they are just enforcing laws, but they choose to enforce those laws, they choose to break laws, they choose to murder people, plant evidence, lie in court. They make a choice to continue to support a system that is corrupt and does not have the intrests of the people in mind.

You know boston is different than allot of places, fermentor actually the cops there aren't all that bad when you look at the rest of the country in comparison ( I am not saying boston cops are "good" cops or anything like that, its just the incidence of police brutatilty, cops murdering kids, etc. is far less the most other places i have been and read about) . So I think you might be basing some of what youre saying on looking at the boston p.d. Have you ever been to the south? new orleans? texas? so-cal? s.f.? oakland? portland? seattle? minneapolis? chicago? Shit i could go on naming places for hours.

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And the National ID thing is fucked, yes, but it's not the fault of any individual cop, it's the fault of politicians. My problem is that you're (arrow) singling out COPS rather than legislation and politics. Cops have nothing to do with making law. They are not the ones who decide on policy regarding checkpoints, metal detectors in schools, or ID cards. Cops in the city generally have more important things to do with their time then stop you for doing nothing. It means they have to fill out paperwork on something that's inconsequential and will probably be proven wrong in a court of law. I have this feeling that you think that cops are the enemy of the people because you got arrested for smoking pot in a playground at night a few times.


I have a feeling that you're such a cop lover because you or one of your fam is a cop.

Did you even read my post? I went over how the government creates the police state that we live in. And yes it IS the individual cop "making the laws" when they lock you up on charges of "disorderly conduct" and simmilar charges because all that is is a blanket term to be used for anything that isn't specifically illegal. And YES THEY CERTAINLY DO just roll up on people for no other reason other than they think you look like an asshole and feel like busting your balls. How are you this naive? Do you never leave the house or something?

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yo the police didn't kill that guy it was excited delirium


yup guess i was wrong about the police murdering people all the time..

yeah its the fact they are so excited about being arrested, beaten and tazed by the police that kills them. It has nothing at all to do with 100,000 volts running through their hearts multipule times. oh yeah and people suffering from E.D. might be resistant to pain so lets taze beat them taze them and restrain them all at the same time.. forget about the elevated heart rate its nothing to worry about i taze myself all the time when i have a elevated heart rate, electricity is good for the body.




ED is often characterized by superhuman strength and imperviousness to pain. Thus, control through empty-hand, mechanical techniques may be more difficult to achieve, and pain-based techniques may be relatively ineffective." The subject is typically "unresponsive to verbal direction."


The effectiveness of pepper spray and impact techniques (baton strikes and beanbag rounds) "will likely be diminished with individuals who are unresponsive to pain."

If empty-hand techniques are to be tried, "then the officers should be trained in advance to function as part of a multiple-officer takedown team."


A better choice may be Conducted Energy Devices (Tasers). However, current research cautions about a possible link "between MULTIPLE such applications and death in persons with symptoms of ED. To mitigate this risk, a SINGLE Taser application should be made before the subject has been exhausted."

(The Taser should be used not in the hope of gaining compliance but to create a window of disablement during which officers can establish physical control of the subject.)


One Taser firing in the probe mode, "followed by a restraint technique that does not impair respiration, may provide the optimum outcome." NOTE: "The Taser should not be used in the pain-distraction (push/stun) mode in dealing with ED individuals," since that is primarily a pain-reliant technique.

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Any cop that doesn't follow the law is going to get reprimanded, suspended, or fired. Any time you get locked up for something that you didn't do, you are given the chance to prove your innocence.


fermentor, what? were you drunk when you typed the first statement? but i do see some truth in it, yes there are times when the cops do get reprimanded, suspended with pay, or fired.. but shit man thats only a few of the cops and that is usually when shit makes the news. ok perfect example i know portland kids know about this. Cops in portland pull this minority over ( pull a minority over wow big suprise there!) the cops tell him to get out of the vehicle, when he goes to unbutton his seatbelt they either shoot him 9 times in the chest from point blank range and then taze him, or they taze him then shoot him 9 times in the chest. the cops got suspended with pay and then reinstated. I know someone who worked with this kid through a program to help him get his g.e.d., now this kid wasn't some gangbanger, drug dealer, murderer or anything like that, just some kid on his way home from work who happened to get pulled over by some racist pigs who wanted to kill someone that night. we all know cops even when they do get punished unless they commit the most heinous of crimes get off and get to keep their jobs or go get a new job for some other police dept. And the cops commit crimes on a daily basis in the name of protecting the people they are perpatrating crimes against.

as to the chance to prove your innocence, its not a matter of proving your innocence so much as greasin the wheels of capitalism, you buy a good lawyer you get off or get sentenced light comparitive to your crime. you get a public defender you get put in kangaroo court, where they expect you to cop a plea and take probation and pay the state money or a "shorter prison term then you could get if you were senteced" at one point i brought some charges to trial that had been brought against me that were bullshit, i was just in the wrong place, wrong time, wrong race sort of situation.. needless to say they were completely amazed i was bringing the charges to trial, turns out they destroyed the evidence figuring since i was just another minority i would cop a plea, take a couple years probation and pay the state some money. well without the bogus evidence they had destroyed, the charges got dropped. they don't expect you to prove innocent you are guilty in the eyes of this system from the moment you have interaction with law enforcement.

"it is better that one hundred guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer." Benjamin Franklin

dam you 12oz misplacing my post yet again...

oh yeah that saying is orgianlly attributed toWilliam Blackstone. though Ben Franklins quote is more well known in the u.s.

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not at all man, actually i have never been arrested for smoking pot. My personal experiences with police have not been bad in general, I know how to talk to them. Though there have been a few exceptions to that rule. regardless of my personal experiences there are reasons for my statement.



Actually, with that I was talking to the arrow kid, not you. My main experience is with Massachusetts cops and primarly the ones in and around Boston. But hey, most of us only deal directly with the police where we live more than where we don't live. But if I went to somewhere else and got stopped for nothing by one cop, I wouldn't say "all the cops there are assholes", just that there was an asshole cop.

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I have a feeling that you're such a cop lover because you or one of your fam is a cop.

Did you even read my post? I went over how the government creates the police state that we live in. And yes it IS the individual cop "making the laws" when they lock you up on charges of "disorderly conduct" and simmilar charges because all that is is a blanket term to be used for anything that isn't specifically illegal. And YES THEY CERTAINLY DO just roll up on people for no other reason other than they think you look like an asshole and feel like busting your balls. How are you this naive? Do you never leave the house or something?




First of all, you're acting like a dick, specifically like a dickheaded cop. Like "you didn't think you were doing nothing wrong trespassing? How could you be that naive?". Second, the "you're a cop if you don't think cops suck" arguement is so infantile and cliche'd around here. I'm not a cop and no one in my immediate or extended family is a member of law enforcement. Third, cops do not MAKE LAWS. When they lock you up on charges of disorderly conduct, it's because there is a LAW that says they can. Judges and legislatures make laws, not cops. Any cop that doesn't follow the law is going to get reprimanded, suspended, or fired. Any time you get locked up for something that you didn't do, you are given the chance to prove your innocence. I know there are people that get fucked by this, but they are a small percentage compared to the amount of actual guilty people. It sucks and there can be ways to improve this.


Fourth, if you look like an asshole it's probably because you are an asshole.

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fermentor, what? were you drunk when you typed the first statement? but i do see some truth in it, yes there are times when the cops do get reprimanded, suspended with pay, or fired.. but shit man thats only a few of the cops and that is usually when shit makes the news. ok perfect example i know portland kids know about this. Cops in portland pull this minority over ( pull a minority over wow big suprise there!) the cops tell him to get out of the vehicle, when he goes to unbutton his seatbelt they either shoot him 9 times in the chest from point blank range and then taze him, or they taze him then shoot him 9 times in the chest. the cops got suspended with pay and then reinstated.



This same exact shit happened in Philly exept minus the tazers. Cops told him get out the car, he didn't get out so they blasted him. Even though it was all over the media they not only escaped prison but got to keep their jobs.

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"it is better that one hundred guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer." Benjamin Franklin



People forget this shit. Just like "those who would give up an ounce of freedom for secureity deserve neither". And "Live free or die". Those were the principals that our country was founded on and the reasons we were taught to love this country... it's what made us a better nation than the rest of the world. Now look at us.





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:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:



Yeah, you laugh because you've got no response and no alternatives. Cops aren't going to go out of there way to nab you if you didn't do shit, they're not going to get up there and testify over you writing graffiti and smoking a joint if you're not guilty about it.



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Man, every time I go out I worry about cops, even if I have nothing on me and I'm not doing anything wrong. If I'm driving down the street I'm worried about getting pulled over for going a couple of miles over the speedlimit. But I don't translate that into hating the cops. There are redneck cops that'll shoot a guy over nothing but there are also postmen who will mow down their workplace or babysitters that'll cut a fetus out of a pregnant women's stomach. If you deal with crime every day, all day, then you're bound to get some who crack under the pressure. You guys say shit about how you heard some dude that got shot up by a cop and it's true that shit happens, but these guys go out there and get shot all the time, run over, etc. You can't just say "all cops are rednecks and rascists" like arrow guy is doing because it's stupid and ignorant and it'll solve nothing.

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