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man is the above statement not the weakest thing you ever saw?



i hope revs did better than that.



JAone is kinger of the universe.


i wonder how many cans he has emptied.


i would imagine its somewhere in the region of 1million+

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man is the above statement not the weakest thing you ever saw?

i hope revs did better than that.

JAone is kinger of the universe.

i wonder how many cans he has emptied.

i would imagine its somewhere in the region of 1million+


Im pretty sure that statement is referring to REV of KSN(old school LA)--not the guy that makes pieces out of metal


Heres a little more background:

The day before JA and REAS blew out of Los Angeles, they'd driven to the U-Haul place and rented a container for the car roof. As he packed up, getting ready to leave town, JA figured he had racked 700 cans of spray paint. Actually, he had 700 left, having gone through 3,000 cans during his eight-month stay in Los Angeles. "I was getting a hundred and fifty cans a day, " JA told REAS. "The paint is beautiful out here. The racks are incredibly easy." Which meant it was no trouble for him to swipe cans, a dozen at a time, from the shelves and racks. In New York, they were locked away by ordinance. Not so in L.A., which in its innocence, had never been invaded by the likes of JA on "racking" binges. Some kids called it "inventing" their paint. The penal code calls it theft. By whatever means, JA and REAS would be returning home with an arsenal of unprecedented proportions by New York graffiti standards, all of it packed in the U-Haul roof container. JA had left his mark behind on the West Coast. Of course, there were no subways out there-it was, after all, L.A., the expressway capital of the world. So JA bombed highway walls. Buses. All through Venice. He warred with KSN-Kings Stop at Nothing-a major graffiti crew on the West Coast. "Within a week or two, I just wiped them out, everything they had, for no real reason," JA said. JA had been in Los Angeles to try an acting career. As the movie director who' d filmed J oe, R ocky , and The K arate K id, his father, **** ********, had found JA a part in Karate Kid III as a henchman of the evil guy terrorizing Ralph Macchio. When that wrapped up, the young ******** found little work acting, and spent his time picking tag fights with the local graffiti writers. "They were making millions of public threats that I was going to be shot, " said JA, "that they had the Bloods and the Crips looking for me. Which they swore to be true."

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More history--this was posted (ostensibly) by LA legend NYSE awr tcf on citynoise.org


NyseOne AWR/MSK: 17th Jan 2006 - 06:46 GMT

Yeah, We never met man, but you and me? we have a little history. It was 1989 and you came to LA. You dissed pretty much every burner that wasn't WCA or BC. That included 2 or 3 of mine. On one I had my girls initial in a little heart next to the piece - it was a 'j' yeah, you changed it to a JA.


I laughed then and I still laugh. You killed like 3 miles of wall flanking the 405 during that trip and regardless of you dissing my shit for no particular reason, you really did some damage, I gotta give you that. Pulled that shotgun on Danny Boy too while dissing that Rise/KSN piece on melrose. That was a busy vacation for you.


So, really you've been dissing my crew since the late 80's. Stabbed? Maybe that beef is squashed maybe not, I dont know anything about about it. But it started in 88 or 89 and you started it. Just wanted to clarify that shit. It's been a long time since then and I think its pretty amazing that any of us are still around - that's what really matters.



NyseOne AWR/MSK: 17th Jan 2006 - 20:18 GMT

One more thing about that stabbing. As far as I know those guys had beef before M was in MSK, it just spilled over. Maybe JA can shed some light on it.


Another story worth mention - Some CBS cats years back were in the LA river while they buffed his throwups over there pieces on one side of the river, they looked accross to see Him dissing their pieces on the other side of the river. hahaha.... Well, they tried to go serve him and he shot at them then fled - seems he had city keys cause he was driving a truck in the wash. Everyone assumes he got access through his dad's connection - like production permits or whatever.

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It's an excerpt from Subway Lives by Jim Dwyer.


"For all these kids, seeing their name on the news was just another way of getting up-writing their tags, their graffiti names. So was getting arrested. One week, ***** Smith was busted. In a rare twin success, the cops nabbed JA the following weekend. He was taken to the transit police vandal squad office in the East New York section of Brooklyn, where he was booked. "I went into the bathroom to wash the fingerprint paint off my hands," JA recalled, "and I looked in the mirror and saw something on the wall behind me. Nah. Couldn't be. I turned around, and sure enough, there was SMITH, in that squiggled hand- writing, above the urinal. He'd tagged the vandal squad's own bath- room. In their own fingerprint paint.""

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ok so yeah Ja is a bombing legend, no disrespect to him


but you lot who think hes a king cause he has thousands of throws an tags ( a horrid handstyle ) are fools.


a king = thousands of throws, thousands of tags, an thousands of pieces.

when was the last time he used more than 3 colours. not saying he has too, but using the same throwup alphabet as the rest of newyork, and having no full colours surely doesnt give him the king reputation you lot go on about.


legend yes.


king no

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