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br0 im just saying i seen alot of wiggers today but is cool salinas got their paisanos and santa cruz got their wiggers :D


well santa cruz gets a lot of tourist like you and ppl from SJ, and even the east bay and other town around those parts. and a lot are wiggers. .. and if you walk around certain parts you will see a lot of mexicans like if you were in salinas, but they are all blued up trampas. unless ur on the west side or part of 17th ave.


shl is way to bro to b a wigger.

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santa cruz is full wigger ass "dudes" and girls($Hl n0 Di$s br0)


p.s santa cruz got alot of hiden freeway graff


barely noticed the graff? i mentioned that already of all the hidden graff.

and hoger comes out the closet? damn bro.. so when you were trying to hold my hand..you werent just cold??

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