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rushawn wuan

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in islamic culture its ok to chop the hands off of theives. any of you fools getting caught racking cans would be typing with a straw in your mouth right now. who knows what the rule is for getting caught vandalizing property. yeah islamic culture is old and has many years of tradition. but guess what? get with the times. its 2006. not 606BC.


nobody with a right mind wants islamic culture to be like ours, except for maybe bush and his team, but its safe to say that the world instead just wants islamic culture to get intune with the world. take a look at what happened with that cartoon bullshit. i think that an islamic culture can survive without harsh rule, dictators, and forced subjagation of everyone living in that culture. thoughs that want a full head scarf, wear it, anyone that wants to go to clubs and look like an american be free to do it.


but when it comes to forced marriage of young girls. tell me one fucking 12 year old that wants to marry a 50 year old man???? but we are worried about enforcing our norms on these people. because its not fucking normal in the year 2006. its called human slavery. china mostly got rid of their child concubines. (except perhaps in the farming villages) no one in china besides a few rich men are complaining about it. why are you guys?

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George Orwell said something to the effect that a society is as fair and decent as technology allows it to be. I agree it would take a long time to change Afghanistan's child marriages, and I think that the way to do that is by giving the people education and infrastructures so that they're not married to the land. Obviously going in there and forcing a age-limit law would be disastrous.

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but guess what? get with the times. its 2006. not 606BC.




but when it comes to forced marriage of young girls. tell me one fucking 12 year old that wants to marry a 50 year old man???? but we are worried about enforcing our norms on these people. because its not fucking normal in the year 2006.


The point is its not up to you or me to decide whether those people living their lives should have to "get with the times".


You people need to take an objective look at things for atleast one fucking second. These marriages are rarely 'forced' , they are arranged. Contrary to the vast speculation most women can refuse to marry certain candidates for whatever reason.

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I can't speak at all from an Afghani perspective , only from an Islamic perspective.

Often times there is a huge difference between what Islam says and what muslims do.

(just like any religion) So, therefore, Afghanistan is heavily a tribal society. When I say tribal, I mean that the local tribesman often make up the rules and these rules sometimes trump out the right thing to do. Depending on who youre dealing with. But yes, from an Islamic perspective, Aserine a woman cannot be forced into a marriage no matter what. \

So, if a woman is forced into a marriage I would be the first one to say that is wrong and that practice needs to change.

Someone mentioned that I seek to glorify these muslim countries. That's not an accurate statement. I don't seek to glorify Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia or any muslim country. I am a muslim who beleives Islam is the best way of life, simple, but is someone calls himself a muslim does something against Islam, then do I defend them? Obviously not.

It's very hard for a non muslim to understand Islam, because it's rulings are so comprehensive. A muslim could study Islam for a whole lifetime and not cover everything.

I said all that to say that I don't condone any action in any muslim society unless that action is in line with the Quran or the sunnah (legal rulings) of the prophet Muhammad.

So, don't get it twisted. thanks

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The point is its not up to you or me to decide whether those people living their lives should have to "get with the times".


You people need to take an objective look at things for atleast one fucking second. These marriages are rarely 'forced' , they are arranged. Contrary to the vast speculation most women can refuse to marry certain candidates for whatever reason.


there is a difference between arranged marriage and forced marriage. india, africa, afghanistan, and rural china have these types of marriages. when you consent to enter the marriage and dont kick and scream its called arranged marriage, when you dont like your marriage partner because hes 3 times your age, you are the 2nd or 3rd wife and the first wife or the mother in law is torturing you, or you arent getting treated any better than farm animal its called forced marriage.


the story i posted was a girl that was married off at 4. you said contrary to the vast speculation of women can refuse. the key word here is women. these arent women or adults, these are children.

if a 4 year old refused to be married off who the hell is going to listen? please show me any 4 year old for that matter that would even want to leave her family. and what 4 year old is ready to be put to work with house hold chores. when arranged marriage between 2 consenting adults happens it can last much longer than western marriages based on love. but the fine line between consenting and forced is where i have a problem with this type of marriage. also these girls are not educated. they are basically indentured servants.


im not asking for muslims to have christian values, or american values. im asking for the bare minimum level of a humans right.

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no doubt, I agree


but again, Islam doesnt allow forced marriages or 4 year old marriages.

A woman (or girl) can only be married when she becomes a woman (by puberty) , with her consent, and with the consent of her closest male relative.

Some people may doing these types of forced arrangements but, this is not an islamic practice it is and ignorant practice that Islam forbids.


Fornication and adultery is prohibited in christianity but somehow people bring their live-in girlfreinds to church so It goes both ways.

Let's just do our best to correct ourselves.

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im not asking for muslims to have christian values, or american values. im asking for the bare minimum level of a humans right.

I would postulate that the vast majority of women in arranged marriages were of an acceptable age. Theres always going to be exceptions to every rule.


I think ALOT of people are trying for the former, not the latter.

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