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Black outs...


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If you/your insurance can afford this, try checking this shit out


my homeboys moms is doing this, and swears its legit. It tells you pretty much everything that is fucked up with you. Ie. She read that my friend had excess radiation due to cell phone use.


lance armstrong is a strong advocate of this, and considering he beat cancer and won the biggest bike race 7 times, it has to be somewhat legit.


maybe this could explain something that your average doctor can not.

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Yeah, it could be some form of epilepsy...when I was a kid, I hit the bumper of a pickup truck with my head while riding my bike...it was loud enough for my mom to hear it all the way in the house and think someone rang a bell outside.


For a couple months afterwards, I'd have these...I guess they were like blank periods, I had one or two at school, and i had to get a CAT scan to see if I jarred anything loose in my head. They said it looked okay in there (HA!), but that I may have bruised my brain slightly.


And after all that, I rarely wear a helmet when I ride my bike...I figure, if I'm gonna go that way, it's gonna happen regardless.

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Butterfly bandages will take care of that...but, you still have a good reason to go to the doctor one way or the other.


Not telling you what to do...well, kind of, but it's your call.

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This side was not that bad, a couple of the cuts that are darker are the ones that were deep. But still super small, I think it was glass...


This side is more scratches, totally more emo... Not deep though, I think maybe I feel on the glass or something. Again just guessing.


This one on my thumb was the worst, it's pretty deep and I thought about stitches but I taped it up last night and it seems to be doing pretty good as far as scabbing up. Although after I took the picture I went to wash my hands and it opened right back up, I just have to be more careful...


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Well on my right arm there is way less going on but they are all kind of deep. Well there is 3. I can't hold the camera with my left hand though... It was really really hard to get that picture of my thumb.

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Well um, things do heal. The thumb was really the only one I was worried about cause it was so deep and on the joint. The main problem is why am I blackout out I guess...


Next time I do it and if I really fuck myself up I'll take pics...

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I heard of this one guy Grits who blacks out then goes on a destructive rampage, waking up the next morning only to see a town overcome by graff. Shit happens. We should make a movie..like the american werewolf in paris or whatever we could call it...the bayarean bomber in Cali. Shit would make fuckin millions...don't try to bite either I'm on the phone with hollywood right now.

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I usually black out when I'm fighting. I remember the first swing then it's blank till either I'm on top of dude pounding out the last few punches and/or kicks... or vise versa.



Not sure about your situation though. Do you also go by the screenname +JAZE+?

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