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These allegations and the degrading, untrustworthy and almost ludicrous insolent way you, are talking to team “Paris City” and even worse to Richie is beyond cheeky - and is at the end of the day saying more about who you are, than the person you are trying to slaughter on false lying and homemade roomers.


It is word against word and no one have the balls to talk to Richie himself, or given the man who travels around the world as we speak being very busy putting up big exhibitions, more than 5 days to answer a phone call. You mention his blog before, if you taken the time off to read between the lines, before you started this avalanche of lies, you will see that Richie have had 5 shows in June month. (http://www.seencity.net/)


Having a discussion is fine with me, but having it on a platform like the Internet where the aim is not to find the right answer, but to throw mud and patronize at the expense of bringing out oneself as saint and a member of the vandal squad, is so embarrassing and unreliable, that it reflects back to you as a boomerang.


Just for the record T-Kid; you are the one who should be ashamed of yourself! Who is the one who making yourself out to be someone you’re not? I mean you might be a big boy in Tuff City, but who else respect you outside the city? You might be surrounded by toys when you are together with your crew, but calling Seen a “suck ass toy” really makes you appear as the big parody you truly are! Seen have more fans and supporters in a little small town in Greenland that you have all over the world, and it will not change after these false allegations!


Use a mirror instead of binoculars the next time you looking after a rat!

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what a novela! it never ends with the buffoonery.even if there was proof, so what ,who cares, it doesnt undo everything that was painted. just a lot of accusations by bitter old men who would have been even less than what they are if not for the art. hatin on ppl who have talent and have made somn w themselves.dudes woulda been mired in class servitude if not for the trains. resentment cauz they didnt or couldnt do anything w the "talents" they think they have.enterprise and evolution, snitch, snitch, who cares this aint cosa nostra , its art...and if ur miffed at ur lifes' failures or lack of talent, u still cant undo the childhood memories of watchin the trains roll thru, larger than life...get a life ... theres no prize for how many rats u can uncover...

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So Seen has just been outed by his long time partner as a rat. Wich I always knew he was. I feel bad for all those who believed in him as true legend and Graffiti writer but now the truth is out and Seen UA a cofirmed informer.He aint no GodFather of graff he`s just a snitch. And Seen I just want you to know that I forgive you for seting me up back in????... when was it Richie? some were around 80 81? Duded I told you the truth always comes out in the wash..so call who ever you want and bad mouth what I wrote in my book. Its all good..At least I tell the truth. You let a lot of people down Richie..Shame on you for setting up so many writers other then me. Also I didnt read in any of your blogs about the time I step to you at tuff city and you coward up like a punk and ran to the back. And Comet my Bro I apologies for thinking you was one of seens relitive who was an x cop. I never said x-con I said x cop. My apology Comet mad respect. and seen you caused me a lot of problems with a lot of people and trust me I will get mine.In a gentalmanly way of course.

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The Nasty,


You keep talking about Seen being an informer, but you have to come up with an evidence much stronger than a quote from a graffiti book, and a statement from an ex cop who retired 20 years ago.


Because PJAY who is a former member of UA and old friend of Richie suddenly jump out of the closet, and “confirm” conversations between T-Kid and Richie – without being there when they took place, is not a trump card or the nail the close the coffin. You got to put bullet proof pieces of evidence on the table, or you have nothing other than your word against Seen’s. I mean… we have all heard lots of rumors in the past 20-30 years about every Tom, Dick and Harry being rats. Cope2 has been mention, so have even Alan Ket of all people, so be real and most of all fair to prove once and for all, that your allegations’ are true.


Be the gentleman you say you are and come up with evidences instead of accusations and nick names. There a lot of people in the game I don’t like for whatever reasons I might have, but calling them by nicknames and dissing them on the net is under my dignity, even do I often fell like doing it. As you say yourself, being a gentleman is as important as being an artist.

Please tell me why this suddenly is such a hot topic? If it has been to everyone’s knowledge that Richie has been a rat back in the days +25 years ago, why do you first mention it in 2009? Why make big walls together, why making computer games together if the hate and bitterness is so strong? Who is the real punk then, who has coward up and been running to the back for almost three decades?

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Pelham, ur words ring true, my sarcasm perhaps didnt come thru. I m not dissing Richie, Im saying that there r those that accuse him when they may have had guilty consciences themselves, those that have their own skeletons in a milkcrate somewhere, that was my intended point, not to perpetuate any slanderous lies that may b spewed out here.Big respect to all those that pioneered the art, no matter how many crates they may or may not have stacked.

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DAMN, yall are all legendary writers/artists/collectors.....Seen played the chess game better

than everyone ...Snitching is WACK , but playing the authorities and playing your enemies against themselves is fiendishly genious....Mad respect to Seen , Pjay , Tkid and whoever else the rest of you are... You are all legendary , stop tainting it with this daytime soap

nonsense please!!!!!!!!!!....Pics Pics Pics !!

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I like how everyone is giving T Kid a hard time when it was PJAY who made these accusations a few days ago, not Tkid... Pjay just said they he now believed what T Kid printed in his book.


I'll give Seen his respect for the work he has done but I have heard the stories of him being a rat for years but have never had 100% proof but I'll say that I know PJ on a personal level and if he is positive Richie ratted on people then he has to have 100% proof or he would never say that. And if Richie did rat on people to further his career then that sucks ass!!!


If ratting out people is ok then I guess child molesting is OK and Duro will be doing shows with Seen soon...


On a side note, Oliver and a few other people really need to stop licking Richies nuts because it's really discusting that you hold Seen on such a high pedistal. I mean you have a portrait of Seen's face on your back, WTF is that? Not one of your kids or your wife, a graffiti writer, don;t you think there ids a problem with that? Seriously get off the dick!!!! You are talking all this shit defending Seen but yet you are not from NY and have only known some of the people mentioned for a couple years so you shouldn't even be commenting on shit that went down 25+ years ago because you DON'T know the REAL story, you should start listening more to other people and not just your hero Seen...

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DAMN, yall are all legendary writers/artists/collectors.....Seen played the chess game better

than everyone ...Snitching is WACK , but playing the authorities and playing your enemies against themselves is fiendishly genious....Mad respect to Seen , Pjay , Tkid and whoever else the rest of you are... You are all legendary , stop tainting it with this daytime soap

nonsense please!!!!!!!!!!....Pics Pics Pics !!


I second that....Respect due everybody,put down ya hisses and pick up ya cans




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As expected; you are not a 100% proof or have any evidences of Richie being a rat, other than words from a handful of other writers, roomers and your own gut feeling.


No one ever said that ratting out people is ok, just as is NOT ok to judge people based on rumors.


On a side note, have you ever meet Oliver? Or are you about to judge and patronize him after the same rules and recipe you judge and put down Richie – based on how you might think he must be as a human because he has a tattoo of SEEN on his back? What do you call Cope2 who have a tattoo portrait of Bruce Lee on his arm, despise the man never have meet Bruce Lee or spent two hours in a dojo? This is NOT any humiliation of Cope, I have mad respect for him as an artist! I am just trying to draw some parallels and trying to find out the way the code of the streets works in your mind and in your world.


Try to walk a mile in other people’s shoes before you pull the trigger, and think twice before you make decisions. By the way, Oliver does have tattoos of his family on his body – just to set the record 100% straight.


And do you have to be from New York to be worthy to take part in this debate? If so, what do you say to the support Alan Ket got from the entire world when he was accused?

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I am listing to all of you here on 12OZ; I am not blind, deaf or so dependent on others that I cannot make up my own decisions, contrary others.


To use Bananahammock and Pelham123 phrase: "On a side note", I have known Richie for a little longer than a few years. But nice trying :-) I like all the allegations you keep coming with, not one single of them have been even close to be real or true so far.

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LOL I have to laugh at you poor misguided saps..Seen0720. You know I usually don’t bother with this internet crap. Gossip garbage and I see that the only thing this internet crap is good for. But I will comment on your post. People build this big illusion about people without really knowing who they really are. Seen ,buddy ! I really do like you. I think you’re a great artist but I also been around you for a long time and I seen with my own eyes what person you really are. But I won’t get into that. I wrote something in my book that I felt in my heart and gut. I even went as far to say that its just a feeling..You! inturn , Read it.. and your EGO was shocked into reality. You went on a campaign of retribution, By calling Cap and saying I talked shit about him in my book. (WITCH WAS UN TRUE! Lol) You did the same with others as well. Trying to get people to do your dirty work. And you wonder why I call you a punk ass toy. Then you build camps telling people if you’re down with TKID you ain’t down with us. If you involve Tkid you wont be down with what ever project they are doing. You send people over to Ivory`s and make him give up a Duster canvas after he flew the guy in just for that. All because of why, Ritchie?? Because I was involved in that project.

You or your loyal Fan say what type of person I`m showing to be.. A Man who is fed up that’s who. I have ignored this crap for the longest. Not anymore pal! You say I `m a big tough guy and I surround myself with friends at tuff city. Let me tell you something!” I run alone”. As you witness for yourself when I ran into you at tuff city I CALLED YOU A PUNK ASS TOY TO YOUR FACE and I honestly thought that comet was a relative of yours and called him an ex cop. Not an ex con as some have said. I don’t ask or USE anyone to fight my battles. And I have mad respect for the guys and gals at tuff city and would never involved them in any of my issues. Unlike You pal who have shown to do so. So stop being the great artist that you are and stop painting a picture that isn`t true. Like you have been doing for such a long time.

Ritchie my friend we both know the details of the day in question, It took us a while to get in. and we get ready to paint, all of a sudden you want to get something to drink..LOL yea. 1 minute later after you scurried to get your drink we get the only raid!! And you didn’t see any cops. That’s what you told me that day at that Burnside school wall buddy. you didn’t see any cops! I got popped buddy and I saw there was no way you could have been in that yard and not seen the po po.. So do you see why I would feel like I do. Like I said it was just a feeling. But now your own partner is coming forth and agreeing with what I said in my book . Why would your own partner come forth with shit like that Pal?

Why would your own Partner call you a RAT!. And we both know he wouldn’t put that out there unless he had solid proof. Got to ask yourself that question pal. So with all that said I want you to know that When you apologies to me and my friends for the shit you have done to us . That is when I will stop saying you are a punk ass toy. Hope your Ego can deal with this pal. Humility does goes a long way.

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La novela..LMAO. Yo Seen..This internet shit is Funny. Duded listen I see How Hyped up you become when anyone fucks with your imiage..LOL so I wont say your a Rat anymore.. But You know as well as I do the truth will prevail and it will all come out in the wash eventually Buddy!!!My advise to you is to come clean and embrace who you really are.(Dont worry I`m sure all those collectors and art people will still buy your work.They don`t know or care about who people really are..shit I might buy something From you.) And for you loyal fans of the FraudFather..Trust me he will let you down just as he`s done with all those countless others he has let down here in NY.JUst ask his ol partner in crime.. As for the day in the tattoo shop when I stepped to you and called you a punk ass toy ratt mofo to your face( By the way I like how your ego tells a story that Comet was going to crack me with a shovel LOL) I told you to your face what I had to say and you ran out of there like I was the allmighty himself and you was satan running from the light of the truth. And Comet got cought up in your beef with me. And look what happens ..he wants to go and fight your battle and go pick up a shovel..lol Well Pal I was there for a while and not you or anyone came at me..infact the guys at TCS wouldnt let me go back there so I could finish what I started with you. But you know what in this day and age its not cool to step to people and handle thing like men. Like I was tought to do by my DAD(R.I.P) No Ritchie No violence no fighting, we are grown Men. I want you to understand that my beef with you is not about you setting me up back then.That shit is old news. My beef with you is that little campaighn you went on bad mouthing me to so many people and trying to get them to deal with me and have them do your dirty work.(PATMF)..lol.. What you did was a punk move and I am serious about wanting an apologie from you. I hope and prey that one day you grow the balls to come and sit with me and talk like Men and let me look into your eyes n and you into mines and clear this whole bullshit nonsence up. I have nothing against you Ritchie..Infact I have nothing against anyone. Since you nor your what? Brother in law? well what ever.Did not reply to my previous post I take it that your hoping this will go away. It wont buddy. Not till we talk face to face just you and me. Now where the mommies Oh by the way if you look at that car I did above the shock tkid cem breakdance car if you look at the dude in the windo over the letter O in the shock piece. I believe that was a young Joe Blow.. Well gotta go Have fun Be blessed will be out there soon.

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