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Larry Pubes

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It's not about proving people wrong, it's about the facts. The Republican spin on death tolls and US casualities is having such a dangerous effect on the public's conception of free speech and information. Now it's no longer ok to list a death toll because it "trivializes the deaths" or "it's how the liberal media tries to prove the administration wrong". It's no longer allowed to show caskets, deaths, injuries, or any human element on the major networks or cable news because it's too "innappropriate" or "disturbing" for viewers. Just take a look at some of the Vietnam footage that was aired ON NATIONAL NETWORKS during the war and look at how visceral and unfiltered it was. Now all we get are puff pieces, lies, and pictures of soldiers at funerals without even showing the casket. We see American troops being interviewed and Thanksgiving dinners but we are not seeing any of the reality of warfare unless it is through alternative venues such as the internet, HBO documentaries, or print media. So yes, make a huge deal about it being 2,500 deaths because they won't allow us to see anything else. Pretty soon they will stop making that number public.

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