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marlboro country (virginia)


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shit pisses me off when i see dudes going over pieces with throws, i don't care if you've got beef. cross out tags, go over throws, but going over peices with something lesser than the original just detracts from the scene as a whole... at least piece over it

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shit pisses me off when i see dudes going over pieces with throws, i don't care if you've got beef. cross out tags, go over throws, but going over peices with something lesser than the original just detracts from the scene as a whole... at least piece over it


you're kidding right?

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shit pisses me off when i see dudes going over pieces with throws, i don't care if you've got beef. cross out tags, go over throws, but going over peices with something lesser than the original just detracts from the scene as a whole... at least piece over it


nobody asked. i'm not a part of YOUR scene. i handle my business like a man. don't like it? i don't care.:cool:

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also you should all keep in mind that 99% of the drama that goes on in Richmond is a direct result of writers from out of town thinking that they can come here and disrespect anyone they like and face no consequences. well, as the past month or so has shown, they are sorely mistaken. if you try to disrespect me in an underhanded way, then i don't owe you any courtesy. i'm not going to waste my time, paint, or effort to do a nice piece back over you. i'm simply going to fuck you up. that being said, i hope everyone takes note that you can't just start some half-assed beef and expect it to go unnoticed. don't be confused, i WILL check you on your shit.

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Guest theDRIVER

i go over you, you go over me. end of story. thats how it should be. dont bring 30 kids into this. and dont make your K's look like H's. i didnt even know who it was. honestly, i could careless if you "diss" me back. im not going to send someone to your house to fight you.


and hersey, you are destroying shit. keep it up.


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also you should all keep in mind that 99% of the drama that goes on in Richmond is a direct result of writers from out of town thinking that they can come here and disrespect anyone they like and face no consequences. well, as the past month or so has shown, they are sorely mistaken. if you try to disrespect me in an underhanded way, then i don't owe you any courtesy. i'm not going to waste my time, paint, or effort to do a nice piece back over you. i'm simply going to fuck you up. that being said, i hope everyone takes note that you can't just start some half-assed beef and expect it to go unnoticed. don't be confused, i WILL check you on your shit.


thats the 1998 sawed off baseball bat herse i love so much...we can go big places sir..big places

holler atcha boyeee

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