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ok nice vers ,,ok kids ...megas ..takin u to school today...look good at the vers peace ...i see ebis///do u ////ebis when u coming home..my house looks like shit..to much garbage//out here //getupp fucker lets go..big mega//og//101:scrambled: free max//we 4ever wavey aka the baby


Looks like Ebis? Seriously? That simple is about 10 years old.

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Looks like Ebis? Seriously? That simple is about 10 years old.


Before anyone misconstrues my last comment, I am in no way saying I am ABOVE boosting from Ebis (god knows he has stolen enough in his lifetime to be forced to start paying it forward), I am merely stating that I don't see it in this context.

Granted I do agree that we have some similarities: we both have 4 letter names, we share the E and S, and we are both devilishly handsome. Aside from that, I don't see it.


I consider CT to have a great mix of styles and, I for one, have no problem "borrowing" inspiration from some of my CT favorites like Crest, Bel, and Emit as well as the CT toys like Ges, Ebis, and Casper.


We can go on for days about which writers influenced others, who jacked what from whom, etc. Let it be known that if you do a hot letter/arrow/color scheme/dimension/girlfriend write-up/whatever that it may be taken and used and abused.


In this business imitation is the highest form of flattery and I plan on flattering the shit out of CT. You are all on notice.

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