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rlax aint hatin'. fuck those tsi cats, they think they're sumthing but they dont history. they'll get whats coming to them.


shut the fuck up, the only dude who 'thinks theyre something' is you, some whack ass herb from east bumfuck connecticut, who paints in amsterdam, so thinks hes something legendary because he can rock the same generic shit as everyone else. keep using that stale ass e in every piece, youve only been doing it for about 3 years now. keep dissing pieces with tags, but dont ever fucking run your mouth about my squad, we could be the biggest group of mtv-watching stencil-painting wigger artfags from the suburbs and id STILL have more confidence and pride for my boys than you could possibly have for your crew, how is anyone gonna 'get whats coming to them' when youre afraid to battle cats, and the rest of your crew gets clowned on by the whole team everytime we see them. you talk about the internet, but thats the only place your silly little 'beef' exists.

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that first pic was taken by my boy down in DC

the third pic is right near me.dope shit


you honestly need to chill on saying where places are......i know this one isnt a big deal...but on your flickr account you blow up every single spot saying where it is...your just asking to get people in trouble..STOP BLOWING SHIT UP AND BUMPING RANDOM SHIT ON THIS SITE....and typing in gay little colors..and dont ask where things are either...you're just wasting your little 13 year old breath.

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you honestly need to chill on saying where places are......i know this one isnt a big deal...but on your flickr account you blow up every single spot saying where it is...your just asking to get people in trouble..STOP BLOWING SHIT UP AND BUMPING RANDOM SHIT ON THIS SITE....and typing in gay little colors..and dont ask where things are either...you're just wasting your little 13 year old breath.


haha...fuck you asshole...id give a fuck about you calling me 13 but im barely giving shit away, its not a big deal, im just placing towns, noone gives a fuck about that. and i like posting color shit because i feel like it so suck a fat one again. and my flickr shit is only like the most out there spots that everyone see's so it wont affect anyone cuz if someone tried to find those spots all u gotta do is walk down the streets, so basically im not giving anything away. An me bumping shit is just showing honest opinion...and i have nothing else to say after this czu honestly im just trying to kill time..haha

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shut the fuck up, the only dude who 'thinks theyre something' is you, some whack ass herb from east bumfuck connecticut, who paints in amsterdam, so thinks hes something legendary because he can rock the same generic shit as everyone else. keep using that stale ass e in every piece, youve only been doing it for about 3 years now. keep dissing pieces with tags, but dont ever fucking run your mouth about my squad, we could be the biggest group of mtv-watching stencil-painting wigger artfags from the suburbs and id STILL have more confidence and pride for my boys than you could possibly have for your crew, how is anyone gonna 'get whats coming to them' when youre afraid to battle cats, and the rest of your crew gets clowned on by the whole team everytime we see them. you talk about the internet, but thats the only place your silly little 'beef' exists.


say whatttttttttttttttttttttttttttt lol

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