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Yeah, you gotta get there kinda early in the morning to get some happy lighting.

The spot's mad peaceful though. You could chill for hours and not see a soul.

(DO NOT GO IN THE WATER!) Trust me. Shit ain't healthy...


^^^Bump the Gold & Silver^^^ It's all about that dual tone C4 connection.

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as an old school cat I have to say Vel's progression is chill to see.

I can see the effort and the technique getting better...he is doing it the write way, simple styles and colors not just jumping into wild style arrows and buubles etc..

keep it up vel..


and bump this tree killer..lol


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i drive my truck / play paintball at where that spot is.



i remember one time we played an 8 on 8 game back there with theese dudes we met at sports authority who were all camo'd out.



turns out they were ex special-ops recruiters




needless to say they royally fucked us up



the trails there are decent too. nice and muddy


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Yeah, you gotta get there kinda early in the morning to get some happy lighting.

The spot's mad peaceful though. You could chill for hours and not see a soul.

(DO NOT GO IN THE WATER!) Trust me. Shit ain't healthy...


the runoff from a local cemetery drains right into that shit. fuckin embalmed zombie water. gauze has only been speaking in tongues ever since we went down there. im beginning to get worried.

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