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...the problem is there way to many chiefs and not enough indians..






theres always drama emerging between individual writers, sometimes

it goes to a point where 1 on 1 beomes crew vs crew. thats not exclusive

to graff, thats simply the nature of the beast.


to be honest, i dont feel like theres very much conflict on the scene these

days. its not like it doesnt still happen, it still happens regularly, but typically

it either fades out or is resolved quickly. overall, ct is one big happy graff

family with disputes id ID more as brotherly love than outright hatred or

anything close to a "real problem". (of course, there are exceptions).


basically, what im tryin to say here is that there will probably not be a real

supercrew, its more like a handful of militias that support each other one

day and skirmish the next, and vice versa.

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i never had any interest in starting my own crew...we had our little shit when we were like 14-15 but that basically died when everyone else stopped writing.


one of the problems is, with new or younger crews...u paint with them once and boom "yo push my crew" then in turn the next dude says "cool, how about u push my crew too"


some gay shit if u ask me


the crews i push hardest, and woll rep till i die are crews i painted with for YEARS before i got put down...and quite honestly it meant alot more when i was put down because it was only through hard work over years that older dudes saw fit to make an addition to their team...not just a circle jerk where at the end of the day everyone has 3 new crews to push


as a crew, u can honestly look around and determine if you are adding anything to the game or just treading water wasting paint...or maybe u cant i dont know...but if you arent adding to the game or doing something that paople outside your internet circle jerk are taking notice of then maybe its time to find a new hobby or change how you approach graffiti. and dont gimme that "well i just do it for me so waaah, i dont care what anybody thinks" cuz its not true

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i never had any interest in starting my own crew...we had our little shit when we were like 14-15 but that basically died when everyone else stopped writing.


one of the problems is, with new or younger crews...u paint with them once and boom "yo push my crew" then in turn the next dude says "cool, how about u push my crew too"


some gay shit if u ask me


the crews i push hardest, and woll rep till i die are crews i painted with for YEARS before i got put down...and quite honestly it meant alot more when i was put down because it was only through hard work over years that older dudes saw fit to make an addition to their team...not just a circle jerk where at the end of the day everyone has 3 new crews to push


as a crew, u can honestly look around and determine if you are adding anything to the game or just treading water wasting paint...or maybe u cant i dont know...but if you arent adding to the game or doing something that paople outside your internet circle jerk are taking notice of then maybe its time to find a new hobby or change how you approach graffiti. and dont gimme that "well i just do it for me so waaah, i dont care what anybody thinks" cuz its not true


Of course we all went through that when we were 14. And I also only push one crew that it took me almost a decade to be put down with by the older cats. I'm not trying to start a new crew or be a chief. I think there should be more democratic leadership in crews as opposed to dictatorships where someone who started a crew 20 yrs ago and doesn't even paint anymore can kick someone out of a crew with no input from other members.


Aww fuck it. The point I was trying to make is that we could be doing much bigger and better shit in this state with the amount of talent that is here if people set aside some little personal petty beefs. I have friends in crews that won't paint with other friends of mine, but for no good reason. We're talking about full grown adults in respected well known(in CT) crews acting like little children. It's retarded. As Rodney King once said, "Can't we all just get along?"


As far as why we paint, of course we all want people to see our shit and like it, but sometimes it is about just having a good time with your boys painting a 7hr piece in the middle of nowhere that no one will really see unless you post it on here, in which case only graff heads will see it. There was a time when I really didn't care who saw my work. Obviously if you're painting on commuter train lines and highways you want people to see your work, and not just graff heads.

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When everyone gets along its bad for progression... People in a scene ALWAYS try harder when there are some clowns nearby they dont like, and theyll be damned if they'll let them be better... so games are stepped up, in turn producing (hopefully) work that is more pleasing to the eye... the "lets ALL unite" shit never works... its cool to be civil with another when you meet them, but simply sharing an interest in the same past time isn't always an instant common denominator that makes us instant friends, or crew mates for that matter.

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"Graffiti is nothing if not a competition, and competition never ends. There's always something else to do and someone else to keep your eye on.


There comes a morning when you wake up and find yourself an adult that needs to make money, and that becomes a new challenge. Some people quit graffiti at this point, or they decide it's something best kept separate from dollar signs. For others, the challenge is channeling the creative spirit into a livelihood. Maybe it's a graphic design job; maybe a career in fine art. There's possibilities today that writers even 5 or 10 years ago laughed at - let alone writers 25 or 30 years ago. Yet here they are. The way out is all so often the way in.


When you began to write, what did you expect to come of it? A little rep and a lot of fun, we hope. Dip your index fingers into these inky waters for any other reason and it shows.


Recognize Real."


that was the message on the homepage..so now that everyone over this super crew and being frands, lets get back to pictures and see what CT is made of?

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its that whole "putting in work" thing.

im down with a crew, because im boys with the members. i didnt earn my way in really...shit i havent earned a "spot"

from my understanding of how crews work/used to work, you didnt paint with the crew until they thought you were ready..being a gofer...buffin the wall, helping with fills, rackin paint...maybe thats just the old romance passed down through books...all i hear from people in the game now, is "my squad..." "my team..." "i roll deep, son"...whatever. thats cool, but for me, i started on my own...no help, no crutch, no nothing, and im perfectly fine that way. if someone wants me to put down their crew, thats an honour to me, to be included with them...someone thinks my work is good enough to bear their name...that to me is one of the best compliments. less drama too when youre solo, because then you dont have to catch shit for other peoples stupidity, and vice versa

unity...mmmm....civility, better. id rather be civil, than fake unity. civility shows maturity, and restraint.

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Damn man a super crew would be pretty tight. I don't even have motivation to paint anymore, because know ones down to paint, I guess I just don't know enough people who do in the first place. So, recently I just throw up tags solo. Anyone want to paint in the hartford area, pm me.

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Damn man a super crew would be pretty tight. I don't even have motivation to paint anymore, because know ones down to paint, I guess I just don't know enough people who do in the first place. So, recently I just throw up tags solo. Anyone want to paint in the hartford area, pm me.


same here, i have so much motivation to paint though, but it gets kinda sketchy to me to be out without anyone. I don't know enough people (that aren't homosexually toy) to paint with

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