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If thats the case no german caps,and no euro paint either.

when I started out I used usa's finest,kry,andrust with 1 fat cap.

masking tape aint cheatin especially when it's just part of the background.

using tape on pieces It's like fuckin without a condom,it feels better without it but when you use

it you know ur safe



Not having to use it is something called CAN CONTROL. REMEMBER THAT?

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Not having to use it is something called CAN CONTROL. REMEMBER THAT?


whats so wrong with using tape? everyone seems to have this perfection stick up their asses...if you don't have control, or even if you do, taping is perfectly acceptable. lots of great writers, and i do mean LOTS use things like tape, can compasses and plumb lines when doing murals. are you telling me that atom, can two, bates, great and countless others are not good writers because they use tape? c'mon...thats horseshit. however people do their shit is their business...lets stop passing judgment simply because everyone doesnt do things the way things "should" be done shall we?

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whats so wrong with using tape? everyone seems to have this perfection stick up their asses...if you don't have control, or even if you do, taping is perfectly acceptable. lots of great writers, and i do mean LOTS use things like tape, can compasses and plumb lines when doing murals. are you telling me that atom, can two, bates, great and countless others are not good writers because they use tape? c'mon...thats horseshit. however people do their shit is their business...lets stop passing judgment simply because everyone doesnt do things the way things "should" be done shall we?



I totally support the idea of breaking the rules of graffiti. But, something inside of me just can't stand the idea of USING FUCKING TAPE! I would sooner blow my father than use tape. It is so weird to me. I, if anything else, believe in each individuals own creativity and choice to do whatever the gd hell they want with it. That is why this is so strange to me. I support the tape thing after your 80 years old maybe. Yeah, that works for me.

just a random thought.


Captain Contradictoy,


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