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that spot under the bridge, with the skem and eyesore. me and my boys ran out of gas on the highway above. so i got a ride from some dude in the back of his pickup truck and filled up a 2 liter bottle with gas for like 5$ the dude that worked at the gas station was super chill letting me pull that illegal ass move. then i cut through trying to get back to the highway and stumbled upon those pieces, sat there checkin em out for a minute or two. then proceeded to get extremely lost and covered in prickers n shit in the swamp lands around it. barely found a way through a dirty ass river and climbed up onto the highway with mad people fuckin staring at me like wtf! when i came out from under the bridge like some troll all covered in dirt and shit in the middle of a hot summer day. ah the memories. pieces are fire though.


PS anyone heard of this http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2007/12/26/2007-12-26_new_nyc_transit_squad_out_to_erase_subwa.html

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