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I just made some baked potatos with cheese,sour cream and chives and pepper with 3 oven-baked chicken tenders and a glass of ice-cold Mountian Dew.....damn, it was soooo good.

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back when I was addicted to damn near every drug there is.. and living off of a buddy like a druggie asshole does... I used to eat ONLY ramen.. like every 3 or 4 days.. after I cleaned up I was having a conversation with my mom (who works at a lab that tests MANY differnt things for many different reasons... all I am going to tell you homeboy is... STOP EATING FUCKING RAMEN.. i know you're gonna come back with the whole.. it's cheap and it tastes good rebuttal.. but trust me man... certain ramen is like the ONLY food thats processed out at sea after being rejected homey... thats the real.

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