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partying in portland...


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your talking about cheerleading? your instigating, telling fools to fight. thanks for your 2 cents douchebag but your being the biggest faggot ive ever seen on here. bottom line is that ask is a burn out and has no idea what he is doing. people learn shit one way or another. so shut up. nark ass



your funny, im sure your tight pants are keeping the blood circulation from your little brain.

if i lived there i'd smash on all you little pussy ass talkers.

i came from a time in p town when there was no gay chatrooms like this to hide behind ,

we hunted down fools and put hands on em.

trogg slayer you are the generation of keyboard wanksters.


get at the private message if you have the balls to meet up the next time i visit in July.


thats real talk.

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hahahhaha serious! talkin about how lame the "chatboards" are and then in the same post saying "hit me on the PM, REAL TALK!" hahaha.:lol: :lol: :lol:

You just completley made no sense champ-:nope:

I was trying to keep your future beatdown private

so you wouldn't have to cry youself to sleep for a week and have to hide behind your big black-eye hiding hipster glasses.:bawling:

The chatboards are wack because of spineless scared pussies like yourself.

your screen-name wont hide you for long chump.:shook:

See ya in July.:lol:

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You just completley made no sense champ-:nope:

I was trying to keep your future beatdown private

so you wouldn't have to cry youself to sleep for a week and have to hide behind your big black-eye hiding hipster glasses.:bawling:

The chatboards are wack because of spineless scared pussies like yourself.

your screen-name wont hide you for long chump.:shook:

See ya in July.:lol:


scary! looks like i better start working out. i only got till july?!?!?!

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