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partying in portland...


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sorry i aint going any where. how bout u smoke some weed and chill out, or heroin, or ******************** i beleve thay call it.







---> Let's keep personal info out of the thread please. Thank you <---


it wasnt personal info, it was a suggestion

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Listen up kids... i went looking for the story online on the news sites and found this... one line in particular should make you think about what you say on here...








Portland Cracking Down On Livability Crimes


PORTLAND - Crimes that used to be punishable only with a citation could now land suspects in jail.


In an effort to crack down on livability crimes in Portland, police have launched Project 57. The title refers to the 57 beds set aside at the Justice Center jail for lower level crimes that otherwise wouldn't land someone in jail.


One of the project's main focuses in graffiti. Instead of being cited and released, taggers will stay locked up until they see a judge.


"You know for the most part, taggers in this city feel like there are no consequences for their actions and for the most part officers out there who make an arrest on the street will issue a citation they will be released at the scene and get on the Internet and say I just got arrested and then go out there tagging again," said Officer Matt Miller.


He adds that the new requirement for retailers to lock up spray paint will also help reduce graffiti, which he says has been on the rise by as much as 50 percent this year alone.


Other crimes affected by Project 57 are vehicle and identity theft.










the important part>>>

"You know for the most part, taggers in this city feel like there are no consequences for their actions and for the most part officers out there who make an arrest on the street will issue a citation they will be released at the scene and get on the Internet and say I just got arrested and then go out there tagging again," said Officer Matt Miller.




something to think about next tiem you feel like runnin your mouth.

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and this is just funny... "began to cry"



CANBY, Ore. - A 35-year-old Canby man was arrested after he was allegedly caught in the act early Monday.

Sgt. Scott Cunningham was patrolling near Sequoia Parkway about 2 a.m. when he spotted a car parked at JV Northwest.

Cunningham says Jaime Estevan Pico was walking from the building with blue spray paint on his right hand. There was reportedly fresh graffiti in blue spray paint on the side of the building.

Pico allegedly began to cry and admitted to tagging the building. He said he needed someplace to do his art.

Pico was cited for criminal mischief, unlawfully applying graffiti and unlawfully possessing a graffiti implement. Police do not believe that the markings were gang related.


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