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partying in portland...


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people should get over it. adek himself will tell you it's not even his "k".. it's not Adek's it not Josh's "h", it;s just a letter in the graff alphabet now.. reguardless of whoever used it first, it's been absorbed into the arsenal of throwup letters which are fun to use, but not original or innovative.


bump both adek and gosh. because they paint alot.

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Hey, if anyone should be jealous about that jukes spot it is me and senik. we scoped it in the 90's. i mean it has been a topic of discussion for a decade in certain groups. out of towners have hit me up on it for days. so the fact that a week ago i was determined to finally do it isnt shit compared to jukes actually doing it. props. i mean hey, for you to come and do it makes me bummed. not many spots this guy has slept on are not going to bum me out as much as this, so all props deserved... and drunk or not... coked up or not... jukes deserves it.



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