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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


so, mainter, have you ever been looked down upon for being intelligent?




no not really i try to surround myself with intelligent people


but......... ever sense 4th grade every single teacher has called me a smartass makes me feel proud


oh even in college


i think its because i get so bored and when they go to ask me something i give them some over the top response and it makes them look stupid :o

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


How do you beat the online registration process for the latest version of photoshop? Does anyone have a crack?


S/N: 1131-1028-1537-2956-7072-0359


S/N: 1045-1215-2648-7858-7119-7334


S/N: 1131-0201-5621-6381-7682-3918 "CS2 9.0"

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


those sn's might work but you need a crack so that it doesnt stop workin after the 30 day trial period... if you need one let me know and ill hook you up....



hey maint or casek... i just split my internet connection usin a linksys router (wireless) but both pc's are hardwired into it, so it there a way to disable the wirelessness part so i dont have to worry bout people jackin my connection... or is there something else i can do protect it?

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Build a Honeypot with Old Equipment


If you've elected to upgrade all of your equipment and do not have devices on your network that do not support WPA functionality, you can set up a honeypot to distract would-be intruders if you are in an environment prone to war drivers or neighborhood snoops. A honeypot is a fake target that deters hackers from locating your real network. Take an old 802.11b access point and:


Set the SSID to something different than what you are using in your new WPA capable access point or router.


Use a channel at least 5 channels away from the channel you've set on the new access point or router to avoid interference.


Place it near an outside window.


Plug it in to a power outlet, but don't connect it to your network.


Don't point any of your wireless computers or devices at this device.

You've just built a honeypot. This may engage casual (but not determined) snoops and neighbors. If you live in an area that is densely populated, you may need to experiment with channel settings because you could find that there are not enough available channels to implement this.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Click on the wireless on the set up page of the router and set the network mode to disable. It will disable the wireless capabilities of the router.

how do i get to the setup page? i dont have the disc that came with it... i just plugged it all in and it worked without doin anything except turning my modem off and on...

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


how do i get to the setup page? i dont have the disc that came with it... i just plugged it all in and it worked without doin anything except turning my modem off and on...

go to your internet browser type in the router IP " " if you have never been there the router will be default so leave the username blank password is " admin " without quotes


do all yer settings there



PM me your IP address and i will do it for you

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


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