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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


NVIDIA insiders tell us the Quadro FX 4500 X2 is two Quadro FX 4500 adaptors built on the same PCB used for Quad SLI GeForce 7xxx series graphic cards. The Quadro FX 4500, which already consumes 108W during peak operation, can usually be had for approximately $2,000. NVIDIA insiders tell us the X2 uses more than 200W during peak operation, but would not reveal core or memory clock speeds. The behemoth features four Dual-Link DVI outputs, and is SLI-ready for Quad SLI.



gamers boner






post number 50

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


First of all, it's OGM and not OMG, and it stands for "ogg media" container. The important thing to remember is that OGM, like AVI, is a container format. It just encloses audio and video streams, it is not an audio or video format itself. The actual video codec in use is probably XviD or some other mpeg4-based codec. The type of video codec and the type of the container file format are two completely seperate things. But that's getting off into a whole other tangent...


With that out of the way, you can probably just rename it to .avi and use tmpgenc. The renaming works because tmpgenc just relies on the installed codecs and splitters to open the input file anyway, so as long as you have OggDS installed that operation will succeed.


If the above does not work, you can repack the file in the AVI container format, and then convert that with tmpgenc.



Okay I did this and used the GraphEdit. I followed all the instructions but one problem. How do I get the subtitles off the damn thing?

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Okay I did this and used the GraphEdit. I followed all the instructions but one problem. How do I get the subtitles off the damn thing?


Let me rephrase the question. I used GraphEdit and it didnt put the subtitles in the movie. The damn thing is in Japanese so I need the subtitles. So how do I get them on there?

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Syncronizing and merging subtitles into an AVI file

Software Needed,

Subcreator: http://www.radioactivepages.com/english/subcreator.html

Virtualdub: http://www.virtualdub.org/download v1.5.10 (stable)!!!

Subtitler Filter: http://www.virtualdub.org/virtualdub_filters v2.4!!!

GSpot: http://www.headbands.com/gspot/download.html

Divx Codec: http://www.divx.com

First you'll have to download subtitles of course. Usually they are .srt files.

Install Subcreator

Open subcreator, you'll see this configuration window first, click next.


You don't have to change the subtitle font here yet, we'll do that later.



You can leave the general settings as they are, click next



Choose the second option, Windows Media Player Active X, this will work properly. Clcik FInish.


Click open in the file-menu. You'll have to open the srt file you downloaded. Click convert when it asks to.


Now you'll have to open the movie file, go to movie -> open



To syncronize the subtitle, go to the textbox, rightclick, click on select all.

Then go to Timing, and Increase timestap (if the subtitles appear too early) or Decrease timestamp (if the subtitles appear too late).

(Make sure that Advanced Timestamp Changing is checked!)


When you syncronized the subtitles, click on File -> Export, select SSA Format

Go to font and select Tahoma, 24, Bold


Make sure you use the same colours (look at the four colored squares) as in the picture.



Click General Info, and click on Get from Movie (If you don't, you'll get an error in Virtualdub)

Then click convert, and then click Save to File.



When you installed GSpot, open the program, go to file -> open. Write down the audio bitrate, in this picture, it's 157 kb/s.

Above the bitrate you see what audio codec is used. Usually this is MP3, if not, read the small guide at the end of this page, and proceed normally.

Also write down the runtime, in this case 01:11:31



First you'll need to unzip the Virtualdub package.Second you need to install the subtitler filter! Unzip the package into the plugins folder in your Virtualdub map.


Open Virtualdub, click file, click open video file.

Then check in the videomenu, if full processing mode is checked and in the audiomenu if Direct Stream Copy is checked.

Go to video -> filters -> add

Choose subtitler and press ok



You'll get a pop-up, click on the button, near the text box and open the subtitle (ssa) file, we saved earlier. Then click ok.



If you see two black boxes and one is not fully visable, rightclick in the first box, choose 25%, then maximize the screen. Go to options -> uncheck display input video.

(If you want to see, what the result would be like, click on the play icon with the O in it)


Make sure you use a compression! Otherwise the file will be very very big. Go to Video -> Compression. Choose Divx. Go to configure. Change the speed of compression into normal, for the best quality of video.

In this screen you also have to enter the bitrate.


Bitrate Calculator:

Go to this site http://www.videohelp.com/calc.htm. Change type into Divx. Change audio bitrate into the one you wrote down. Change the length (runtime) into the one written down. Enter the number of CD's you want to use (if you are not going to write the file on CD, just enter 1) and the filesize.

Write the calculated bitrate down.

Use this video bitrate at the Divx compression configuration window.

To save your Avi file, go to File -> Save as avi -> enter name, -> Save

When you get this screen, make sure you select Even higher to get the fastest result (this will not affect the quality of the video)

(Don't choose highest, because Virtualdub could crash then)


That's all!

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


ok. here i come again. apparently the files from the afformentioned torrent decided to write themselves to my L drive.


and now they are read only.


and if i try to change it from read only it says i cant because access is denied.


how do i go about getting rid of these files?

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Windows keyboard shortcuts you never knew existed!


Shift+F10 brings up the context menu


While in a display pane (such as when viewing an Event Log, or any MMC snap-in), Ctrl+ autosizes each column to the maximum width of data in each column.


Ctrl + Shift + Esc - Brings up the task manager


CTRL and A Selects all the items in the active window.

CTRL and C Copies the item or items to the Clipboard and can be pasted using CTRL and V.

CTRL and F Displays the Find all files dialog box.

CTRL and G Displays the Go to folder dialog box.

CTRL and N Displays the New dialog box.

CTRL and O Displays the Open dialog box.

CTRL and P Displays the Print dialog box.

CTRL and S Displays the Save dialog box.

CTRL and V Pastes the copied item or items from the Clipboard.

CTRL and X Cuts the item or items selected to the Clipboard.

CTRL and Z Undoes the last action.

CTRL and F4 Closes the active document window.

CTRL while dragging an item Copy the selected item

CTRL+SHIFT with arrow keys Highlight a block of text

CTRL+F4 Close the active document

CTRL+ESC Display the Start menu

CTRL and F6 Opens the next document window in the active application.

ALT+ENTER View the properties for the selected item

ALT+F4 Close the active item, or quit the active program

ALT+SPACEBAR Open the shortcut menu for the active window

ALT+TAB Switch between the open items

ALT+ESC Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened

F1 key Gives help on the active window or selected item.

F2 key Rename the selected item

F3 key Search for a file or a folder

F4 key Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer

F5 key Update the active window

F6 key Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop

F10 key Activate the menu bar in the active program

Windows Logo Display or hide the Start menu

Windows Logo+BREAK Display the System Properties dialog box

Windows Logo+D Display the desktop

Windows Logo+M Minimize all of the windows

Windows Logo+SHIFT+M Restore the minimized windows

Windows Logo+E Open My Computer

Windows Logo+F Search for a file or a folder

CTRL+Windows Logo+F Search for computers

Windows Logo+F1 Display Windows Help

Windows Logo+ L Lock the keyboard

Windows Logo+R Open the Run dialog box

Windows Logo+U Open Utility Manager

TAB Move forward through the options

SHIFT+TAB Move backward through the options

CTRL+TAB Move forward through the tabs

CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Move backward through the tabs

ALT+Underlined letter Perform the corresponding command or select the corresponding option

ENTER Perform the command for the active option or button

SPACEBAR Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box

F1 key Display Help

F4 key Display the items in the active list

Arrow keys Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons

BACKSPACE Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box

END Display the bottom of the active window

HOME Display the top of the active window

NUM LOCK+Asterisk sign (*) Display all of the subfolders that are under the selected folder

NUM LOCK+Plus sign (+) Display the contents of the selected folder

NUM LOCK+Minus sign (-) Collapse the selected folder

LEFT ARROW Collapse the current selection if it is expanded, or select the parent folder

RIGHT ARROW Display the current selection if it is collapsed, or select the first subfolder

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Windows Flash instead of open - the Registry fix


Microsoft tries its best to help us out. With all of the help balloons, and notifications to reboot our computer why would we ever complain?


Not sure when it happened, but they added a feature to windows that keeps applications from stealing the focus while another application is running.


Now I know this is a band-aid to keep spyware, and other programs from showing popups that steal the focus - but that problem should be fixed at its core, not in this way.


The problem is many times a user will click on a shortcut, or program on the desktop and it just flashes at the bottom. Quite a few of them are confused, and think that the program is "broken"


There is a simple registry fix to get programs to launch when you click on them:


Change this value


HKCU\Control Panel\ForgroundLockTimeout = 1


To turn it back on set it to


HKCU\Control Panel\ForgroundLockTimeout = 20000


The drawback of turning this feature off is that if your system is infected with spyware, then the popups they generate will be allowed to steal the system focus, and display popups right in your face.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Remove those stinkin "help balloons"


I don't know about you, but those little bubbles that Microsoft displays to inform you about 'important' things are starting to drive me crazy.


'You have unused icons on your desktop'


'You have updates waiting to be loaded'


'What the hell you looking down here for?'


etc etc


I am just tired of it, and I know a quick way to fix it. There is a Microsoft KB article dedicated to this subject:




The short of it is - you can disable these balloons by changing this registry key:




To 0


(You might need to create this DWORD value if it does not already exist)


If you don't feel like playing around in the registry, we have written a little

program that will do it for you:


http://www.intelliadmin.com/blog/BalloonRemover.exe (Spyware and adware free)

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