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yeah, i set the 'shared documents' folder to share on the network. which, according to what seffiks posted, should just make it appear in the 'my network places' folder on my laptop. yeah?



yeah, it should. hmm....try hamachi out. you might like it more. or, have you thought of stunneling? you sound like you like projects that aren't too confounded to do. try a VPN.

there's that opensource vpn. google "openvpn" and there are plenty of tutorials.

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well, i like projects that aren't above my head. building a base of knowledge.


its just shit that this isn't working out like it should. i just want to be able to have a constant dl of movies and shit to watch at work since thre's no internet connection.


firewall or router wouldn't be interfering would it?



it's possibly the firewall. google " 'your firewall s name'" +network +setup



or something like that.

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* STEP 1: Right-click by holding down the Control key and clicking.


* STEP 2: On the desktop, Control-click to bring up a menu with many Finder commands, such as Help, New Folder, View, Clean Up, Arrange, View Options, and Change Desktop Background.


* STEP 3: Point to your hard drive or an inserted disk or CD and Control-click to bring up a menu with commands such as Help, Open, Eject, Get Info, Label, Make Alias, Put Away, Add to Favorites, Index Selection, or Attach a Folder Action.


* STEP 4: Point to a folder and Control-click to bring up options such as Help, Open, Move to Trash, Get Info, Label, Make Alias, Put Away, Add to Favorites, Index Selection, or Attach a Folder Action.


* STEP 5: Point to a file and Control-click to bring up commands such as Help, Open, Move to Trash, Get Info, Label, Duplicate, Make Alias, Add to Favorites, or Index Selection.

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Hey guys I am trying to install Winrar on this Mac, but it won't even read the .exe file as being executable.


I need it to get some songs from the album trader thred.


Appreciating the hand you guys are giving me. It is like re-learning how to use a computer all over again.

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i need help.i have AVG anti virus but now i have this internet explorer virus that AVG cant fix. Can somebody give me any advice on what to do?


get firefox dude, ie sucks nuts.




oh and casek or whoever, i got a problem with gaim.


i try to add a new account so i can log on msn through gaim, it starts to work and then when its logging me in it gets to "cookie" then crashes.. any ideas on how to fix it?

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Major Windows Gaim Bugs and Workarounds




DLL Hell and Win Gaim - A very common but very unpleasant Windows SNAFU (known as DLL Hell) has been experienced by many Win Gaim users.


Symptom: Win Gaim crashes routinely on startup (but not neccessarily just on startup).


Cause: Dlls with the same name as those that Gaim uses are found in the dll search path and are used instead of those installed by Gaim, likely causing Gaim to malfunction. This can happen when application developers install their dlls to Windows system directories. The most commonly used dll to cause dll hell is zlib.dll.


Solution: As of 0.72, depending on the windows version Gaim will either change working directory before loading gaim.dll, or will use SetDllDirectory.


Why did we move to using the GTK installer? More and more GTK apps are being ported to Windows, and rather than having each app install its own copies of the GTK dlls, it is better that GTK is installed in a common location to avoid having many duplicates of the same dll. There is more in-depth info about DLL Hell in this article.


Bug report #715975 is one instance of the problem just described. There are more..

* TCL Loader Plugin + Cygwin = WinGaim crash - Starting with 0.75, Win Gaim comes with a tcl plugin loader. The loader plugin is dependant on tcl84.dll and will use the first one found in the dll search path. If you have a cygwin installation (with tcl 8.4), and have added its bin directory to your PATH, then WinGaim will crash on startup. The solution is to remove cygwin's bin directory from your path. Introducing cygwin dlls into the native win32 environment is a very bad idea, and is likely to cause problems with other programs.

* GTK+ 2.8.x Unable to connect - Versions of WinGaim prior to 2.0.0beta4 do not work with GTK+ 2.8.0 or newer. The symptoms are an inability to connect and/or frequent disconnections. The issue is specifically in Glib 2.8.x. For those interested in the technical details, the GIOChannel implementation has been rewritten and appears to have some quirks - see the following bugzilla entry. To avoid this problem, use WinGaim 2.0.0beta4 or newer, or stick with GTK+ 2.6.10.

* GTK+ 2.6.9 causes GIMP crashes - The updated GTK-Wimp theme that was distributed with the Gaim GTK+ 2.6.9 installer (also included in the WinGaim 1.5.0 installer) triggers a bug in GTK+ that causes GIMP to crash. You should update to GTK+ 2.6.10 to resolve this. See the following bugzilla entry for more information.

* Major GTK+ Bugs (that do not need reporting)

o The text entry cursor is somethimes missing.

o Double-clicking the docklet when the buddy list is obscured (i.e. behind another window) will minimize it to the tray rather than bringing it to the front. (bugzilla entry)




or you could use portable gaim like i do...heh.



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^always back-up ur favorites b4 upgrading- happened to me goin to IE6 to 7

i would assume the same method for firefox


- o yea, i ran that VCLEANER.exe jawn u suggested in both safe and normal modes, and it scans then randomly closes...in any event, im re-installing norton "as we speak" after a gay phonecall.....but yea im hoping norton will fix this...

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norton removal tool







TUNEUP 2007 portable



besides eating processor and ram, it just plain eats dick.


avg > norton

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