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I know someone said no more illegal shit, but I really really really need to get Protools for someone, and if I do it pays. Apparently they had it before or something, so I think that makes it less illegal. The torrent I found for it is going REALLY slow...



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For all you trendy mac users, here is a list of every keyboard shortcut in OS X




C start from CD

D start from 1st partition

N start from network server

T put computer in FireWire Target Disk mode

X start in OS X

⌥ show all startup disks

⌥⇧⌘⌫ start from external drive or CD

⌥⌘OF open firmware

⌥⌘PR zap PRAM (hold until 2nd chime)

⌘S single user mode

⌘V verbose

mouse button eject CD

⇧ after power-up: turn off kernel extensions

after login: prevent startup items from opening




⌃⌘-power restart

⌃⌥⌘-power shut down

⌥⌘-power sleep



Application Management

⌘-tab cycle forward through applications

⇧⌘-tab cycle back through applications

⌘~ cycle forward through application windows

⇧⌘~ cycle back through application windows

⌥⌘-esc Force Quit dialog


lozenge cycle forward through toolbar displays


lozenge cycle backward through toolbar displays

⇧⌘3 screen dump (entire screen)

⇧⌘4 screen dump (drag a rectangle)

⇧⌘4,space,click screen dump (highlighted window)

⌘-space cycle forward through keyboard layouts

⇧⌘-space cycle back through keyboard layouts

⌘-click on window adjust window in background

⌥-click on Dock

icon or window switch to new program, hide previous one

⌥⌘-click on

Dock icon switch to new program, hide all others

⌘-drag rearrange or remove menulets or toolbar icons


window title expose path in popup

⌥-zoom button maximise window

⇧-minimise button minimise window slowly

⇧-click minimised

window in Dock open window slowly

⇧-close button close window slowly

⌥⌘D toggle appearance of Dock

⌘-drag onto

Dock icon prevent Dock icons from moving


onto Dock force program to open dragged item



Outline View

⌘← Collapse

⌥⌘← Collapse All

⌥-click on

disclosure triangle Collapse All

⌘→ Expand

⌥⌘→ Expand All

⌥-click on

disclosure triangle Expand All




⌫ Back

⇧⌫ Forward

⌘/ Status Bar

⌘[ Back

⌘\ Show Page Load Test Window

⌘] Forward

⌘| Address Bar

⇧⌘A Autofill Form

⌥⌘A Activity

⌥⌘B Bookmarks Bar

⌥⌘E Empty Cache

⌥⌘F Google Search

⇧⌘G Find Previous

⇧⌘H Home

⌘K Block Popups

⌘L Open Location

⌥⌘L Downloads

⇧⌘N Add Bookmark Folder

⌥⌘P Snapback

⌥⌘S Search Results Snapback

⌥⌘U View Source

⇧⌘→ Next Tab

⇧⌘← Previous Tab

⌘↑ Page Upper Left

⌘↓ Page Bottom Left




⌃A move to beginning of paragraph

⌃B move one character back

⌃D delete character to right

⌃E move to end of paragraph

⌃F move one character forward

⌃K delete text to end of paragraph

⌃N move to next line

⌃O insert newline

⌃P move to previous line

⌃T transpose characters

⌥⌫ delete word to left



Text Field

⌘← move to beginning of line

⌘→ move to end of line



Text View

⌥↑ move up one page

⌥↓ move down one page

⌘← move to beginning of line

⌘→ move to end of line

⌘↑ move to beginning of view

⌘↓ move to end of view




⌃A move to beginning of line

⌃E move to end of line

⌃T transpose characters

⌃U erase line

esc,B move one word back

esc,C capitalise next word

esc,D erase next word

esc,F move one word forward

esc,L make next word lowercase

esc,U make next word uppercase

esc,⌫ erase previous word




⌘+ Make Bigger

⌘, Preferences

⌘- Make Smaller

⌘. Stop

⌘: Spelling

⌘; Check Spelling

⌘? Application Help

⌘A Select All

⌘B Bold

⌘B Toggle Toolbar

⌘C Copy

⇧⌘C Show Colors

⌘D Add Bookmark

⌘D Don't Save

⌘D Find Previous

⌘E Eject

⌘E Use Selection for Find

⇧⌘E Export

⌘F Find

⌘G Find Next

⇧⌘G Go to Folder

⌘H Hide Application

⌥⌘H Hide Others

⌘I Get Info

⌘I Italic

⇧⌘I Import

⌘J Scroll to Selection

⌘K Connect to Server

⌘K Erase Deleted Messages

⌘L Link

⇧⌘L Lower Case

⌘M Minimize

⌥⌘M Minimize All

⌘N New (Window)

⌘O Open

⌘P Print

⇧⌘P Page Setup

⌘Q Quit Application

⇧⌘Q Log Out

⌥⇧⌘Q Log Out Without Confirmation

⌃⌥⇧⌘Q Force Log Out Without Confirmation

⌘R Refresh

⌘S Save

⇧⌘S Save As

⌘T New Tab

⌘T Show Fonts

⌘U Underline

⇧⌘U Upper Case

⌥⌘U Capitals

⌘V Paste

⌘W Close Tab

⌘W Close Window

⇧⌘W Close Window

⌥⌘W Close All Windows

⌘X Cut

⌘Z Undo

⇧⌘Z Redo



Numeric Pad

fn0 Button Hold

fn1 Mouse NW

fn2 Mouse NN

fn3 Mouse NE

fn4 Mouse WW

fn5 Button Click

fn6 Mouse EE

fn7 Mouse SW

fn8 Mouse WW

fn9 Mouse SE

fn. Button Release



Universal Access

⌥⌘* Toggle Zoom

⌥⌘+ Zoom In

⌥⌘- Zoom Out

⌃⌥⌘* Toggle Monochrome

⌃F1 Toggle Full Keyboard Access

⌃F2 Highlight Menu

⌃F3 Highlight Dock

⌃F4 Highlight Active Window

⌃F5 Highlight Toolbar

⌃F6 Highlight Utility Window




⌘F5 Toggle VoiceOver

⌃F7 Toggle '⌃⌥' Lock

⌃⌥F7 Show VoiceOver Menu

⌃⌥F8 Open VoiceOver Utility

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so my question today is with the new message board setup (you need to be a member to view the inside of the threads (will this increase the amount of regular people/toys trying to become a member or will this increase the cops suspisions inside the forums and cause more cops to become members (raven what was yer thinking behind this?)

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probably privacy. they are aware of who the cops are.

watch who is regularly banned. not the talkers. the non-talkers.

the people who come in, make a thread "hey, any writers from memphis?"

type shit. i think they also scan ip's regularly. we know seeking does. he's mentioned it.

i just wonder if he's doing an ip lookup to find further info?

hmm, maybe raven should import the govt/police ip blocklist from bluetack.co.uk???

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