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Coming to video iPod: NVIDIA 3D graphics


When the so-called "true video iPod" debuts, chances are that it will be sporting technology from longtime competitor NVIDIA. Chillara is not certain that 3D functionality is at the heart of the NVIDIA's offering; it does stand to reason that NVIDIA's main edge over Broadcom would rest in the company's 3D prowess...

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Microsoft is taking extra precautions during the current Mideast conflict.


The company has imposed security measures at its Israel offices, has told employees to cancel or postpone travel to Israel or Lebanon, and has cleared its offices in Beirut until the situation changes.


"We wish for a swift and peaceful conclusion to this difficult situation, and for the safety of all concerned," said a spokesman for Microsoft.


Intel has not closed its several facilities in Israel but has put in contingency plans. Employees in Haifa have also been moved to a "hardened facility" in the building. They can also work from home.


The Technion, Israel's premier technical college, has been closed. The order to close came in the middle of exams on Sunday.








great now who is gonna give use tech support haha

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yeah i seen all that before its briliant but.................it will not last anyway


i found hope in dumbass people http://answers.yahoo.com i just found this site like 10 minutes ago i answered like 20 question and got 150 points (no idea what that means but they are some of the dumbest questions come join and answer some questions(in the computer/internet cat....

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So, I got XP Barely Naked. Now, here's the thing- I have nine files with the extention .r01 through .r09, and a .rar file. What the heck do I do with these .r0x files?? I imagine they need to be converted to a single .iso and burned to disk, but I've never seen anything like this before.


Oh, and even though Dreamlinux 2.0 was compared to OSX, I'm going to let that slide and try it out regardless. It does look nice, I must agree...I like Xfce 4.4 a lot, and it looks like I can run KDE if I want to. Oh, MEPIS 6.0 rc3 is really buggy- hopefully they'll work out the issues before the final release. I'm actually on a old Wolvix live CD right now, since all my Zeroconf files keep getting blanked in MEPIS....thus disabling every browser I attempt to install.


Well, I'll check back in a while. Let's run this bad boy up the flagpole, see what he does.

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Why would you want to do that? :huh:


Seriously, though....look for "mac osx emulator/skin xp" on Google. I think I saw one a long time ago, but the name escapes me right now.


Thanks, casek...what are those .r0x files, checksums?


I figured the .rar file was all I really needed. Oh, and the Demonoid torrent site requires an invitation. But, since you knew what I was talking about right away, I'm sure it's the right file. I can't remember where I got it at the moment, however.

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FREE eTrust� EZ Antivirus for Windows VistaTM Beta Users




PC-cillin� Internet Security 14.55 Beta Program for Windows Vista�

Beta Duration: May 23rd to October 31st, 2006




avast! Home - Vista-compatible, both the free and paid versions.




ClamWin Free (from the ClamWin forums)

"ClamWin on Windows Vista Beta 2 build 5384 works!

ClamWin, does support Outlook 2007 Beta 2.

It brings up a hidden window, with display on the taskbar, when Outlook is running... closes right down after closing Outlook.."


Antivirus for Windows - Open Source & Free!



Diskeeper 10.0 Professional BETA for Windows Vista CTP builds 5381 and 5384

Diskeeper 10 now provides support for Windows� Vista CTP (builds 5381 and 5384) with a free public beta. This Diskeeper build will only install on the specific builds of the 32-bit Vista noted, it will not install on other Windows platforms. Also note this Diskeeper build must be installed/uninstalled by the default Administrator account only. Please check the ReadMe file for additional restrictions and limitations of this beta version.




BETA software is, by definition, still in test mode and presents a certain level of risk to the end-user.


Please feel free to add any freeware programs for Vista that you may find... ;D

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What Are Moderators?


Moderators oversee specific forums. They generally have the ability to edit and delete posts, move threads, and perform other manipulations. Becoming a moderator for a specific forum is usually rewarded to users who are particularly helpful and knowledgeable in the subject of the forum they are moderating.



ok seeing this how come casek and I are not MODS????????

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you knwo what? i think raven is doing what he used to do with the magazine.

(btw: how many of the people here ahve actually seen the magazine. i've always wondered)

anyhow, he made sure that when you interviewed someone, you actually knew them or went to paint with them.


i think most of the mods know each other on a more pesonal level. ala: raven, seeking, joker, hal, king of hell, glik0, etc.

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mainter: i was thinking about making my own graphics card cooler for this nvidia 5500.

it doesn't have a fan (which is odd, since the pics i've seen of them all have fans) just a heatsink. thinking about replacing that, too.


anyhow, i was thinking a tunnel type thing made out of plexiglass. like a rectangular

thing to fit over the card with a fan at one end blowing cool air in. got any suggestions?


and yes, i do know about the graphics card coolers. i'd prefer to make my own

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heres a bit of a situation. i spilled orange juice in my computer tower about a week ago afterwards now picture would display, just colors in a pixilated form. after buying a new video card and monitor cable, im still getting no picture. could my monitor and/or motherboard or other components be screwed as well? i think im going to have to just rebuild my whole god damn system.. any ideas are appreciated :(

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