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Oh, and there's another thing.


You want to have at least two (three is better) extra partitions for Linux if you plan to install it to the HD- you should have one for /root for the kernel and apps, then one for /swap (virtual RAM)- those are the main two. You can set up a FAT 32 partition for /home, where you keep all your personal files. I keep all my music, photos, and writing on a FAT 32 external HD with backups to a NTFS RAID, but hey, that's just me.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

But I want to know the command line stuff.


Right now I got a Live CD Kmoppix STD.....complete command live stuff I am dabbling with


But I have Fedora Core 5 I was going to install on my laptop and play around with....


What do you recommend Shai? I need something challenging but not to weird 1337 Hax07r.


What distro should I look into installing on my Laptop that has Win XP Pro already on it?

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MEPIS 6.0 is the best one I've used so far. The dual boot thing is hard to install the first time. Make sure you have some unused space on your master HD to play with.


If you are wondering about command line stuff, definitely look into http://www.brunolinux.com for that. It's very comprehensive, and it's set up so you can reference things as you need them.


I would try using a system with a GUI just to get the feel of how Linnux operates in an everyday use enviroment. I think you're on the right track, in that command line stuff is good to know, and you will learn it over time...but, it took me about a year to get confident with just keeping the system running, ha ha.


Try MEPIS out, and you'll be surprised. In some ways, it's better than XP..it's certainly a more user-friendly enviroment. Oh, the site is <www.mepis.org> and you want to download the SimplyMEPIS 6.0 version. They have a version for sale, don't worry about that one.


Fedora is great, but I would start with something a little simpler. Otherwise, you will get frustrated and that's really what you want to avoid.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Well I think I will go with Fedora since I have to learn it for school. So that supports GRUB right, I got like loads of room on my laptop so doing three partitions is no prob. I really dont got a lot on their since its only for the schools.

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Well I think I will go with Fedora since I have to learn it for school. So that supports GRUB right, I got like loads of room on my laptop so doing three partitions is no prob. I really dont got a lot on their since its only for the schools.


yeah Fedora supports Grub or Lilo, whichever you want,


when i tried to use Fedora it had a problem dual-booting with debian so i chucked it


i heard they fixed alot of the bugs


if you are going to dual-boot with windows, then install windows first and make partitions, cuz windows will delete linux partitions.


i suggest Debian


Fedora is extremely easy to use and is a beginners distro.

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I only get my 12 year olds from Cambodia, they give the best yum-yum.



haha. i see, i knew that spectr wasn't only a drug dealer from columbia,

but he's also involved in the cambodian child sex trade? busy guy.


i heard that his mom is an eskimo with 6 fingers on each hand, and in her youth, she was a supervillain.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
yeah Fedora supports Grub or Lilo, whichever you want,


when i tried to use Fedora it had a problem dual-booting with debian so i chucked it


i heard they fixed alot of the bugs


if you are going to dual-boot with windows, then install windows first and make partitions, cuz windows will delete linux partitions.


i suggest Debian


Fedora is extremely easy to use and is a beginners distro.


Already running Windows XP, so I need to make the partitions before I install Fedora???? Or when I am installing.

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r00t, I had a feeling you were a Linux user.


I'll say/do the same thing that Mainter said/did- all I can do is point you to where the answers are. They're out there, you just have to know where to look. I can't tell you everything for a few reasons, though.


I don't know as much as some, but I know a lot more than most. By that, I mean that I actually understand how *nix works, and can operate it with some confidence. But, there's other people out there who know a lot more who could answer your questions better.


Two, Linux is a very subjective thing...what works for me is not neccessarily better overall, but it suits me well enough for me to recommend it to others. The more you learn about Linux, the more you'll realize that there's something for everyone out there.


And, I learned the hard way...breaking things and fixing them is the best teacher. Also, being completely in the dark for a while will either force you to give up, or it will light a fire under your ass to find the light switch. I don't mind helping, but if I can learn this stuff on my own, you shouldn't have any problems at all.


Oh, and about your HD....as long as the disk space isn't formatted, it should be fine. Linux uses its own formatting system for the kernel and apps, but can't be installed on NTFS partitions. Big clue there, BTW.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
r00t, I had a feeling you were a Linux user.


I'll say/do the same thing that Mainter said/did- all I can do is point you to where the answers are. They're out there, you just have to know where to look. I can't tell you everything for a few reasons, though.




Not asking for the answers to the test, just asking for a good starting point. I am Linux ignorant and looking for resources to get eh smart. You guys have been loads of help, I have been printing your resources/bookmarking to learn how to get good on it.



Wish me luck on the install.....I hope I dont destroy my laptop, oh I do have a hardrive but its for school and I have to wait to install Windows server for my next MCSE class before tinkering with it.

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