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6. urinate in his salad dressing.



oh btw.. he just called.. and asked me..


"hey where are you gonna put the desktop when you get it?"

"in my bedroom."

"why not the living room?"

"theres no room"

what about the dining room (we dont have dining room furniture)"

"theres no internet jack."


"plus i dont want you using it."

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hey i got an idea i can make a little fake virus up so that when he clicks to get onto the internet it will engage the virus and it will blank out the computer and it will say deleting all files (just to scare the shit out of him but before he gets on) you set the bios up with a password so when he goes to shut it down when nervous it will not boot back up

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Anything interesting happen this weekend?


When I wasn't out with LENS raising hell, I was in the mountains getting a second degree sunburn with the lady (she got it a lot worse than I did) while drinking cheap wine....then hitchhiking through the mountains home. Good times.


I haven't been home yet...hopefully my gear hasn't been pawned for weed and malt liquor money.


Before I left, I-


A)...saved my neighbor's computer w/ a Linux install on a spare HD I had laying around. She just wanted to back her files up, so I gave her a ten minute crash course in UNIX. I hope it went well.


B)...set up my two comp/one monitor thingabobber. It works really well, just CLICK! XP. CLICK! Linux...and so on. (I ended up "liberating" a VGA to VGA cable somehow. What it do.)


Well, commence to...whatever it is you do.

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