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um, no, it officially closed in 2000...did it not?

however, it would come as no surprise if it

is still operating under the guise of some other

program or name.

yes, you are probably correct, things are not haphazardly

jumbled together in elite circles, still...that pentagram thing

is too funny. also, you haven't proved very much really..

i see a star shape, but i'm not willing to put all my chips

on the idea that it was put there on purpose 'by design'er elites.

whatever. this is veering from the fact cheney IS a fuckface.

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Yeah the school of the americas had a name change. I forgot what they changed it to though. You can ask the local protesters down there, they know. There's a church that regularly protests that school.



My home is Fort Benning

The land that time forgot

The mud comes to our knees

The sun is blazing hooooot


Ranger Ranger Rangeeeeerrrrr......

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Originally posted by POIESIS@Sep 23 2005, 11:41 AM

um, no, it officially closed in 2000...did it not?

however, it would come as no surprise if it

is still operating under the guise of some other

program or name.

yes, you are probably correct, things are not haphazardly

jumbled together in elite circles, still...that pentagram thing

is too funny. also, you haven't proved very much really..

i see a star shape, but i'm not willing to put all my chips

on the idea that it was put there on purpose 'by design'er elites.

whatever. this is veering from the fact cheney IS a fuckface.



first: the city planner for washington d.c. was a mason. there are tons of masonic symbols there. above ground sculptures, as well as street planning and whatnot to depict their symbols. did you not see the owl? the star is also real. there's also that symbol they use _248354_freemasonslogo150.jpg


yeah, that. it's simple fact....sorry to stray away from the original intent of this thread. had to prove to a dumbass that i wasn't pulling things out of my ass for shits and giggles. why don't you people fucking use google? instead of spouting off some bullshit like you know what you're talking about. then you gotta go calling me fucking fox mulder. this ain't no x-files, bitch.


anyhow, there are several references to the city planning of washington d.c.. you may have to sift through some bullshit to find the hard facts. be prepared.


back to PNAC.


villain: i wanna be an airborn ranger, i wanna live a life of danger. hoooraaa!

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Casek- Further up the page, you said the planes were tracked by NORAD.


"how is it that norad tracks pieces of space debris the size of a sheet of paper, and it can't see a commercial airliner going drastically off course? that shit was shot down. "


Taken from the website you just linked : "North American Aerospace Defense Command

"Deter, Detect, Defend." That is the motto of the men and women who serve in the North American Aerospace Defense Command. Since 1958, Canadians and Americans have been partners in protecting the airspace of Alaska, Canada and the contiguous 48 United States. The mission has evolved over the years.


Until the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, NORAD's focus was almost exclusively fixed on threats coming toward the Canadian and American borders, not terrorism in our domestic airspace. Because of that day, NORAD's focus has increased to include domestic airspace. NORAD's mission is truly global.


Prior to Sept. 11, NORAD was a word that was associated predominately with the Cold War. The eyes and ears of NORAD were focused on aerospace threats that may come from sources far away from the shores of Canada and the United States. "


And somebody is in the 75th, eh?

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You also wrote further up the page- "as for norad being a cold war era tracking system: they saw payne stewarts plane. they were up in the air making sure it didn't crash into any houses 20 minutes after if had deviated from it's course. "


I'm not too familiar with this so I can't comment, but you seem to be using it as an example of why NORAD couldn't be from the cold war era.



I could draw some lines from some points and make a pentagram, or a star of david. If you look at it long enough it looks like the profile of a mastiff.


Does that mean Australia was planned out by the Mastiff's in a nefarious plot to take over the world? I, for one, say yes...

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casek, i didn't see the owl one, i got a red x.

as far as norad being a cold war relic, does it matter?

as far as i know, norad interfaces with the FAA in

any and all cases of flight deviation, and has tracking

capabilities. protocol entails FAA contacting norad immediately

and fighter planes launched pronto. there are historical

examples in the public domain detailing the quick response

to flight deviation in north american airspace.

on sept. 11, there was an obvious breakdown which

hasn't been detailed to any satisfactory level, with only

bits and pieces existing in the public domain. now on

sept. 11, norad was engaged in several war games that

involved fighter jets...as such, speculation abounds.

ps-cheney is still a fuckchunk.

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norad tracks everything mang. i saw this shit on the history channel not long ago...that r. lee ermy show. anyhow, he went to norad and took a tour. it showed a ton of what goes on in that mountain. one thing they shwoed was thatv norad tracks every single flight carried out all over the world at any given time.


would cameras in a fucking secure underground base lie? would the history channel lie? would r. lee ermy lie?

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resume of dick cheney


Dick Cheney's Legislative Accomplishments ... Both of Them



Congressman John Spratt (D-SC), ranking member on the

House Budget Committee, made the following remarks on a call today:


"Dick Cheney served in the Congress for 11 years. I served with him for most

of these years. In that time, he only passed two bills. One was to build a flood

plain on the Colorado River and the other was a bill to help a constituent.


What's even more telling about Dick Cheney's record in the House is not what

he supported but what he opposed - things like Headstart and funding for seniors.

It seems pretty dishonest for Bush and Cheney to be attacking John Kerry -

who passed 57 bills in the Senate - for his legislative accomplishments."


Here, for comparison is a summary of the legislation sponsored and passed

by Vice President Cheney during his 11 year legislative career.


Cheney's Legislative Career by the Numbers


96th Congress: 4 Sponsored; 0 became Law


97th Congress: 4 Sponsored: 0 became Law


98th Congress: 8 Sponsored: 0 became Law


99th Congress: 7 Sponsored: 1 became Law

(H.R.1246: A bill to establish a federally declared floodway for the

Colorado River below Davis Dam.)


100th Congress: 7 Sponsored: 1 became Law

(H.R.712: A bill for the relief of Lawrence K. Lunt.)


101st Congress: 1 Sponsored: 0 became Law





30 Jan 1941 Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney born, Lincoln NE.

14 Aug 1941 Lynne Ann Vincent born, Casper, WY.

Nov 1962 Dick Cheney arrested for drunk driving.

1963 Dick Cheney arrested for drunk driving, again.

1963 Drops out of Yale.

29 Aug 1964 Marries high school sweetheart Lynne Anne Vincent.

1965 Graduated University of Wyoming.

Oct 1965 Selective Service subjects married men without children to the draft.

1965 Seeks a 3-A deferment (has dependents) when Lynne is ten weeks pregnant.

28 Jul 1966 First child born, nine months and two days after Selective Service announced that married men without children were subject to the draft. Whew, that was close.

Nov 1975 Appointed Gerald Ford's White House Chief of Staff, a position he holds for two years.

1977 Elected six times to the House of Representatives for Wyoming's only seat.

1978 Dick Cheney suffers a heart attack.

1981 Lynne Cheney publishes Sisters, a romance novel about the Old West with prominent lesbian themes.

1984 Dick Cheney suffers a heart attack.

1988 Dick Cheney suffers a heart attack.

Aug 1988 Dick Cheney undergoes quadruple heart bypass surgery.

1988 Elected House Minority Whip.

1989 "I had other priorities in the '60s than military service."

Mar 1989 Dick Cheney appointed George HW Bush's Secretary of Defense, where he presided over the Operation Just Cause (the invasion of Panama) and Operation Desert Storm.

1991 Pete Williams, Cheney's assistant secretary of defense for public affairs, outed by Advocate cover story as homosexual.

Jun 1999 Daughter Mary Cheney: "The reason I came to work here [Coors' Brewing Co.] is because I knew several other lesbians who were very happy here." Cheney was then Coors' liaison to the gay community. Interview by lesbian magazine Girlfriends.

3 Jul 1991 Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom by George HW Bush.

1995 Becomes Chairman and CEO of Halliburton.

23 Jun 1998 "The good Lord didn't see fit to put oil and gas only where there are democratically elected regimes friendly to the United States. Occasionally we have to operate in places where, all things considered, one would not normally choose to go. But, we go where the business is." Speech, Cato Institute.

Jul 2000 Karl Rove: "Those heart attacks occurred in the '70s and '80s, and he then served as secretary of defense in President Bush's administration and presided over Desert Storm... I don't know of a more stressful situation than being secretary of defense during an armed combat, and he seemed to do just fine." CBS.

30 Jul 2000 In response to a query from Cokie Roberts about Cheney's lesbian daughter, Lynne Cheney retorts: "Mary has never declared such a thing. I have two wonderful daughters. I love them very much. They are bright. They are hard working. They are decent. And I simply am not going to talk about their personal lives. And I'm surprised, Cokie, that even you would want to bring it up." ABC This Week.

22 Nov 2000 Vice President-elect Dick Cheney suffers a heart attack.

22 Nov 2000 "Dick Cheney is healthy. He did not have a heart attack." George W Bush, spoken after Cheney was hospitalized earlier that day for a heart attack.

20 Jan 2001 Dick Cheney inaugurated as Vice President.

2001 George W Bush: "A Yale degree is worth a lot, as I often remind (Cheney)... So now we know -- if you graduate from Yale, you become president. If you drop out, you get to be vice president." Commencement speech, Yale University.

26 Aug 2002 Vice President Dick Cheney declares: "Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction."

16 Mar 2003 On Meet the Press, Vice President Dick Cheney declares: "Let's talk about the nuclear proposition for a minute. We know that based on intelligence, that (Saddam Hussein) has been very, very good at hiding these kinds of efforts. He's had years to get good at it and we know he has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons."

22 Jun 2004 During a brief-but-heated exchange on the Senate floor with Senator Patrick Leahy, Vice President Dick Cheney uses "the F-word" according to CNN. Leahy aides tell Reuters that the veep said either "fuck off" or "go fuck yourself." Cheney spokesman Kevin Kellems later opines: "That doesn't sound like language the Vice President would use, but there was a frank exchange of views."

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Originally posted by casekonly@Sep 23 2005, 08:54 PM

norad tracks everything mang. i saw this shit on the history channel not long ago...that r. lee ermy show. anyhow, he went to norad and took a tour. it showed a ton of what goes on in that mountain. one thing they shwoed was thatv norad tracks every single flight carried out all over the world at any given time.


would cameras in a fucking secure underground base lie? would the history channel lie? would r. lee ermy lie?




the answer is no.

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