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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


climbing rating is based on a 5 point scale, bouldering (low ground climbing done w/o ropes) uses a v-scale. v-0 being the easiest. i believe the current highest standing accept rating is a v14d. in the higher scales there comes a breakdown of v#a-b-c-d. a v0 should be equivalent to a 5.6 or so. a 5.0 is what is called a scramble or hard scramble. it means you've gone beyond a hard hike (which would hold a 4._ rating) and are probably using your hands to pull yourself up something.

here's an acceptable explanation, see YDS, thats the standard US system


this is about hte v-scale


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


I just realized that dealing with people at work sucks... They carry germs and cough without covering their mouth and shit... Fuck around and get me sick... I need a sars mask.



So nailing that v5 is pretty damn good in climbing I take it. Where do you do this at?

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


i'm pretty scared of heights. thats one reason i love climbing. it makes me push me and become mentally above that and focus on what is at hand. or fall. its good stuff. sorry you got a C, i'd have given you atleast a B for being cute. thats cheap.

its def not about "extreme" for me. just about pushing myself physically and mentally. gives me abs and pecks that the women appreciate and help me pass army physicals... so i'm okay with all the stigma that comes with climbing

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Yeah I'm finally leaving work to go home and do the same thing, most likely, but with beer. Or maybe I'll play some Wii Bowling... Oh and EBPH I'm stopping by tonight or tomorrow for that game...


May peace be with you all...



*Until I'm back in about 15

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