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Re: Maine Funk


your so right OLIVERJAMES im totally jealous of you guys your the best! NOT!!!!! Im just annoyed at how you guys post eachothers shit,and ride eachothers dicks so much theres no time for chicks to hop on. And even more annoyed how you must think ur somethin else, if u really think were jealous.Oh and Tampering With evidence, nicely said. And Major Fig, get em!:cool:

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Re: Maine Funk


There's good stuff going on. It's just not getting posted because some people can only talk shit and don't flick anything, and then I don't want to post anything anywhere because my shit sucks and it's for me, not any of these toys. Shit half of them can't even spell on here, so whats the point of showing my drunken scribble to a bunch of retards? I

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