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Re: Maine Funk


Big ups to rb!!! with all do respect i dont come on 12 oz.much and i have an issue that needs to be taken care of with this spinless coward 5003 . i never use this forum for gossip and shit talkin, i like peepin the flix but i feel this has to b doneand i couldnt find the boston thread so i came on here..TO 5003, I would like to give u a few options A. Battle me with piece. B. Battle me on the street. C. Fight me "and this time i won't be so easy on you" C. Stop disssin me and stick to ya art fag shit ..IM NOT NO ONLINE THUG, I JUST DONT KNO HOW ELSE TO GET THROUGH TO THIS FUCKIN HIPSTER ..again i apoligize 4 usin this thread ...Rusty Kunttts hit me upp! if anyone has somthin they need to ASK ME ...P.M ME ...............ANTO LMAlldAY

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