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Word Rags. this year I hope to see everyone pitch in and work together to pull of one of the best walls we can produce. We have many solid writers and this year we will be working for a uniformed production that's going to rock peoples minds. I am looking forward to the fund raiser and I hope every writer that's getting up at this years asylum production puts 100% into the planing and painting. None of this show up at the last minute and paint the wall shit, bounce. We need everyone to be on the same page, respect each other and work together.

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You ask any successful, local graf ( aerosol..whatever) artist if they only do it for the money and they go on about " Hell naw, I love this and that, I deserve this and that... but we'll see who does all the work when it comes time to paint the Asylum production. I know who'll be there with me most of the time....and they are the people out of the limelight, paying for their own paint, painting for Portland. Better yet painting for everyone that enjoys this type of art... for the scene as a whole. You other fools need to take your heads out of your own asses and ask yourself ...WHO REALLY HAS A BIG EGO ??? Probably not those who put in work on something that doesn't pay.........artfags !!!!!!


The realness!

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I probably look like I have an inflated ego after that post but honestly ... as far as I'm concerned I fell off a long time ago. The Asylum production is the ONE time we can come together and do a full-scale ART mural...!!! Pro bono... to show the local and tourist Dick and Jane's that we do the BEST free public art display's annually combined than any of these so-called ART - MOVEMENTS to date. WE represent US first then MAINE then ourselves personally ( ego's aside ) sorry for the rant but I felt the need to vocalize my position on that...... locally. I've loved that wall since I was a little kid.... all bullshit aside. I'd hate to see people just come up and do some bullshit piece on it and rather ... took their time on some personal ground breaking attempt type-shit. But that might be my EGO talking.

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Nice catch Ruff !!! I heard it was a supersoaker...oh well another spring is HERE..they already lambasting graffiti...can of spraypaint ... 5-8 dollars, Portland Daily Sun ... FREE, getting your crew name in a paper ... Priceless !! Hahaha... some one mentioned not getting the big tag with the buff after I posted that flick...WRONG BUD .... LOL.

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