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Damn, that Vires is... basically just a waste of space. I guess that's what comes from a kid who "doesn't have time to learn the fundamentals".. It really shows.


Sorry for the little rant, and I know it's been bitched about plenty of times, but it's sad to see people who just don't care about the quality of their shit.


I personally don't want that to be part of what's representing Maine when it rolls out of state.



On another note, bump all the younger dudes pushing freights, and doing it right! Hope everyone's doing good and I'll be back in town more often soon enough...



H.V. - Good post man, bump Nysto, I'd love to see some shit from him. Anyone have some?

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Damn, that Vires is... basically just a waste of space. I guess that's what comes from a kid who "doesn't have time to learn the fundamentals".. It really shows.


Sorry for the little rant, and I know it's been bitched about plenty of times, but it's sad to see people who just don't care about the quality of their shit.


I personally don't want that to be part of what's representing Maine when it rolls out of state.



On another note, bump all the younger dudes pushing freights, and doing it right! Hope everyone's doing good and I'll be back in town more often soon enough...



H.V. - Good post man, bump Nysto, I'd love to see some shit from him. Anyone have some?




who the fuck do you think you are dude??? You're shit doesn't belong on freights either. Your shit catches the zamboni as quick as a vires and crone piece.. People will cosign that.

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And look who the fucks staying away from freights? I know my spot, I work hard to work through the essentials, and I'm sure people will co sign that. Look at Major with a stick up his ass, let someone have an opinion for once, because it was a valid one.


I never said a damn thing about my shit being good at all, did I? Did I say I'm so good noone should cover me? Point it out because I didn't. I'm one of the least conceited fools running around Portland. I give respect where it's due, I only shit on kids that are doing things ass backwards, I've studied my history and continue to do so every day, I NEVER cover someone who burns me, and I know my place. Just giving an opinion about something as simple as someone lacking the skill to paint trains doesn't require me to have been painting 5+ years.


I know that I'm a person with plenty of room to put in my opinion about a kid that should NOT be painting a freight. It's not like I'm running around thinking I'm the shit. Everyone preaches about doing things the right way, clearly this kids not.

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I have a stick up my ass because you seem to have a pretty big head on your shoulders, and you're talking about not wanting to be part of what's representing maine when it rolls out of state... You've blown up layups, gotten chased out and you had no business there in the first place.. Wheres the respect in that? How come i catch your shit on trains at all??? If you knew your place, you'd know you shouldn't be anywhere near them in the first place. That's all i was saying. You can have opinions on everything, you overstepped your bounds on that comment, and i pulled your card.

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^^^ Hahaha !!! I can narrow you down to a few people !! We totally should of took that canoe !! Would of made that great story even greater !! We know how a wild animal must feel when being hunted in the woods... God bless cops on steroids !! They make for a great chase !!!

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^^^ Hahaha !!! I can narrow you down to a few people !! We totally should of took that canoe !! Would of made that great story even greater !! We know how a wild animal must feel when being hunted in the woods... God bless cops on steroids !! They make for a great chase !!!


When I tell the story, I say you guys DID take the canoe... creative license

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^^^ Hahaha !!! I can narrow you down to a few people !! We totally should of took that canoe !! Would of made that great story even greater !! We know how a wild animal must feel when being hunted in the woods... God bless cops on steroids !! They make for a great chase !!!


I knew it was on when he threw his hat to the ground. Best part about that whole shit is that we still had our green bottled beer waiting for us in the car. All an all pretty epic. RAGS I owe you good looks on retrieving my goods. YO what up poop.

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