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Forgotten Wall


I walk along the barren stretches of road, the cold clean air hits my face and numbs my ears. Off in the distance the low rumble of an approaching freight train becomes louder as it lays on its horn. I reach the rivers edge just in time to view the passing freight across the other side. The sun is setting and silhouettes each boxcar as they creep along north bound. Once the train passes the sound of the flowing river fades back in. I move ahead into unknown scenery, searching for that old forgotten wall. The wall that once use to be the foundation of some long passed industrial boom factory.


Finally, I spot it off in the distance. The surrounding trees and brush have engulf large portions of the wall, through the brush I can see someone's been here before me, on a similar mission. The basic out line of a throw up along with a few hand styles come into view. This excites me and I move in closer to observe who's been here. The first name I read on the wall is JURNE and I am surprised to know he's been here, beet me to it. My excitement takes over and I go into a exploratory zone combing up and down this concrete slab. I take photos and film each name as I pass it. Stopping at each stamp to absorb it, to feel it and study the writers style. I search out a place to lay my hand, stating to others that find this old wall, that I too have been here, on a mission like you my old friends.


I climb back out to the main road to find the fuzz is parked not to far down the way in a speed trap. Our eyes meet for a brief second and my heart begins to sink to my feet. I stay cool and stay my course as I walk on by him, I give a head nod. He nods back and i smile.

Thats whats up! Now we just need William Shatner reading it.

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bump this amazing day, bump double sided freights, and on that note, bump like 75% of YME up on that shit. posting tonight! Lets see some flicks before its up!


A little thought I had today while watching shit roll through. If a piece isn't able to be understood within the 10 or so seconds it's in your view is it an inferior piece? I feel like intricacy, and pieces that take time to appreciate are better served on a wall. By intricate I mean completely changing letter form, and making it a bitch to read. ICH on the other hand seems to really know how to keep the fundamentals of it simple, and focus on being unique with his fill/colors/character. curious what others think about this.

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Forgotten Wall


I walk along the barren stretches of road, the cold clean air hits my face and numbs my ears. Off in the distance the low rumble of an approaching freight train becomes louder as it lays on its horn. I reach the rivers edge just in time to view the passing freight across the other side. The sun is setting and silhouettes each boxcar as they creep along north bound. Once the train passes the sound of the flowing river fades back in. I move ahead into unknown scenery, searching for that old forgotten wall. The wall that once use to be the foundation of some long passed industrial boom factory.


Finally, I spot it off in the distance. The surrounding trees and brush have engulf large portions of the wall, through the brush I can see someone's been here before me, on a similar mission. The basic out line of a throw up along with a few hand styles come into view. This excites me and I move in closer to observe who's been here. The first name I read on the wall is JURNE and I am surprised to know he's been here, beet me to it. My excitement takes over and I go into a exploratory zone combing up and down this concrete slab. I take photos and film each name as I pass it. Stopping at each stamp to absorb it, to feel it and study the writers style. I search out a place to lay my hand, stating to others that find this old wall, that I too have been here, on a mission like you my old friends.


I climb back out to the main road to find the fuzz is parked not to far down the way in a speed trap. Our eyes meet for a brief second and my heart begins to sink to my feet. I stay cool and stay my course as I walk on by him, I give a head nod. He nods back and i smile.


i'm blushing.

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I definitely think that clean readables are the way to go on fr8's. Whether it's moving at 5mph or

55mph, people will know who it is. MBER and ICH are two great examples, both always clean and readable, often adding a nice character or profile, some sweet colors, and they are now two of the most recognized names in fr8 writing.

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woord, good lookin out. Major figure said he was interested in it further back.. so I tried that. this shits a science haha. I've been trying to get the whole train in the shot, maybe I'll try one with it cropped to just the cars.. so the graff will flow a bit better, be easier to read? Idk, opinions are welcome!

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here's a thought... If you have 2 cameras place them both on the same side. one zoomed in and one whole train shot. then you can edit back and forth.you only cover one side but you cover it better. well cutting to the music is cool and I'm an editor so I know what your doing, I think its more about the art on the trains. so try to just show it as clear as you can and add cuts here and there to the music. but Its your video do it how you want, the most important thing is that your happy with the final cut. this is just my suggestions.

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when you're further back you can get a better look at the pieces without getting dizzy watching them go by.


The first camera shoots at 60 frames/second and the 2nd one shoots at 30 or a weakly done 24. I'm outputting at 30, because I think it's crisper for the motion of this. long way of explaining: I can take the 60fps camera and play it back at 30 and it looks buttery, basically how slow-mo is done in skate videos, it takes 60 frames and spreads it over 2 seconds instead of 1.. might be a good way of solving both of the issues.. keep it close for quality and slow so it's not hard on the eyes.. might try some of that if I don't go out tonight.



here's a thought... If you have 2 cameras place them both on the same side. one zoomed in and one whole train shot. then you can edit back and forth.you only cover one side but you cover it better. well cutting to the music is cool and I'm an editor so I know what your doing, I think its more about the art on the trains. so try to just show it as clear as you can and add cuts here and there to the music. but Its your video do it how you want, the most important thing is that your happy with the final cut. this is just my suggestions.


I'd like to get a project going where i can cut them to display the art as best I can, and then have a DJ do score for it. kind of backwards from how a lot of the independent stuff's done, but why not try it.. rip off them hollyhood motherfuckers.

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The first camera shoots at 60 frames/second and the 2nd one shoots at 30 or a weakly done 24. I'm outputting at 30, because I think it's crisper for the motion of this. long way of explaining: I can take the 60fps camera and play it back at 30 and it looks buttery, basically how slow-mo is done in skate videos, it takes 60 frames and spreads it over 2 seconds instead of 1.. might be a good way of solving both of the issues.. keep it close for quality and slow so it's not hard on the eyes.. might try some of that if I don't go out tonight.





I'd like to get a project going where i can cut them to display the art as best I can, and then have a DJ do score for it. kind of backwards from how a lot of the independent stuff's done, but why not try it.. rip off them hollyhood motherfuckers.





i enjoy the editing in the INDECLINE videos.

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