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Ici Montréal


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shoulda crossed that fake souk too.


HAHAHA you know whats funny?.. u hide behinde ur computer with a dffrent name HATIN on ppl but it seems like ur not balls enough to fucking post some flicks of ur shit? and yu knwo whats funnier? i can garanty that with the first few months of ur painting, ur shit did'nt come out as fresh as that readable i did AND i wanna see YOU cross it out and dont forget to leave ur tag behinde right next to it instead of being a little pussyy and runing a line threw it or an x , ur nothing but a little e-bitch that hates on any 1, and dont gte me started on that fake souk buissness because when it comes down to it .. it doenst matter what u rigth as long as ur styles nto the same and u represent it to the fullest, i didnt see no bitching about joek and hoek or maybe kope and cope or acer and baser or maybe baser and bacer lets not mention "NME CREW" montreal and "NME CREW" ny or maybe fone and foner like i said list goes on for ever , so liek i said doesnt matter what you rigth as long as u represent it to the fullest,hold ye spots, and not bite any styles then there isnt a problem , its maybe some bitches forget what graff is all about and fucking cry me a river saying how sewk and souk are HIGHLY related? so wtv hop of my dick and liek i said cross it out but dont forget to leave yur tag ..<br>

your hero , souk1:D

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...joue pas ton bad sewk...astie d'ASSBEEN.....ca faite 2 ans que ces burns ont etes faitent,pis c'est pas beau..depuis le temps que tu paint en plus......, (a part le rouleu DE scan)....encore un autre qui a pas reussit a suivre la cadence tsss..



graffeur de pacotilles continues a eplucher les oranges dans ce mouvement hahaha...

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AHHAHA yo sewk.. where the fuck am i biting? its funny cuz i dont even right souk ne more but my aount is still souk. not to mention that it doesnt seem liek u read what i rote? saying how the letters and the style is compleatly diffrent..now you can have abunch of fucking kids sucking yur dick to get on ur good side like "side buster" but stil doesnt deni teh fact that your calliong me "toy biter" but yet not 1 of my things look liek urs THANK GOD, i mean like u wrigth for i unno howmany years and ur stuck with a throw like urs? without progression , i choose teh name souk b4 i eevn no who u were and now i no why , i just never noticed any of ur shit, haha so i dont give a fuck who you are keep bitching and crying about it even tho i dont even rigth it any more, as of a wile ago too orrrrr you can just let it sliiidd<br>

grow the fuck up, peace.


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YOUHOU state your name.


petit jaloux de merde, regarde les date a cot/ des piece, ton argument tiens pas sti de fif...jtais jamais vu post de flix, personne sais t qui, so tes petites lignes de "pacotilles" de tapette, ca compte pour personne.


jealousy is a bitch.

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AHHAHA yo sewk.. where the fuck am i biting? its funny cuz i dont even right souk ne more but my aount is still souk. not to mention that it doesnt seem liek u read what i rote? saying how the letters and the style is compleatly diffrent..now you can have abunch of fucking kids sucking yur dick to get on ur good side like "side buster" but stil doesnt deni teh fact that your calliong me "toy biter" but yet not 1 of my things look liek urs THANK GOD, i mean like u wrigth for i unno howmany years and ur stuck with a throw like urs? without progression , i choose teh name souk b4 i eevn no who u were and now i no why , i just never noticed any of ur shit, haha so i dont give a fuck who you are keep bitching and crying about it even tho i dont even rigth it any more, as of a wile ago too orrrrr you can just let it sliiidd<br>

grow the fuck up, peace.



That throw burns.. are you retarded, kid?

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