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Don't Call it Frisco


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holy shit the ignorance and plain stupidity of the members on this website amazes me. you must all be little 16 year old hip hop t-shirt wearing toys to say some of the shit im hearing. just because someones graffiti doesnt look like cope2 or twick icp makes them a toy rigth? your a fucking idiot. if you dont know, THE SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!. and this fag shit has got to go. ive lived in SF for a long part of my life, and outside of the castro, which is 3X3 block size, a tiny ass part of the city, that homo shit dont fly. try walking around laguna and turk pulling that fag shit, or walking anywhere in the east mission, them capp street boys will teach you a hard lesson if you come to SF and think that gay shit is popping off here, im fucking sick of the stupid people on this website


Then why do yall jock graffiti that looks like it was done by a 12 year old homo on rollerskates wearing Daisy Dukes with the gay rainbow symbol on his shirt that he most likely has tied in a knot above his stomach?:haha:






Just cause something is different doesn't make it good or even worth looking at. Much less jocking that shit. And you kids give aid and comfort to known snitches too??? :shakehead:

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I'd laugh my ass of if all the oldschool cats from SF with style (Twist, Amaze,KR, ICP heads etc) got together and decided they'd had enough of you guys making their city look bad and came back out to rag and go over everything.:biglaugh:

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ORFN has all yall talkin and debating about him on here so i guess hes done his job. his name is in your mouths and in your head. you cant hate on someone thats put in so much work, even if its not asthetically pleasing by your standards.





fuck the haters

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hating on someone up more then u will ever be in ur life if he stopped now


I'm not hating, I'm laughing. There's a difference. If he's up like that then good for him. I'm sure he's having fun and probably couldnt give a shit less about my opinion. I'm mostly laughing at you kids for jocking this bullshit. Not just Orfn but 90% of the graff in SF these days. Espescially that tree and frog shit. It's not even graffiti, it's GAYFFITI. You'd think you guys would have more respect for your citys scene and its history than to just gay it up like a bunch of homos. Normally I'd just mind my own buisiness but after seeing a couple of you cats comming onto the NYC thread talking shit about REAL graffiti I couldn't help myself. but I deffinately mean everything I said in here.

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I'm not hating, I'm laughing. There's a difference. If he's up like that then good for him. I'm sure he's having fun and probably couldnt give a shit less about my opinion. I'm mostly laughing at you kids for jocking this bullshit. Not just Orfn but 90% of the graff in SF these days. Espescially that tree and frog shit. It's not even graffiti, it's GAYFFITI. You'd think you guys would have more respect for your citys scene and its history than to just gay it up like a bunch of homos. Normally I'd just mind my own buisiness but after seeing a couple of you cats comming onto the NYC thread talking shit about REAL graffiti I couldn't help myself. but I deffinately mean everything I said in here.



"real graffiti"?


There is rules for writing on stuff now? I can understand if you think it sucks. But dudes get up. Dudes are good at what they do. And they aren't on the internet gassing themselves up.

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I'm not hating, I'm laughing. There's a difference. If he's up like that then good for him. I'm sure he's having fun and probably couldnt give a shit less about my opinion. I'm mostly laughing at you kids for jocking this bullshit. Not just Orfn but 90% of the graff in SF these days. Espescially that tree and frog shit. It's not even graffiti, it's GAYFFITI. You'd think you guys would have more respect for your citys scene and its history than to just gay it up like a bunch of homos. Normally I'd just mind my own buisiness but after seeing a couple of you cats comming onto the NYC thread talking shit about REAL graffiti I couldn't help myself. but I deffinately mean everything I said in here.


who are you supposed to be?

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I'm not hating, I'm laughing. There's a difference. If he's up like that then good for him. I'm sure he's having fun and probably couldnt give a shit less about my opinion. I'm mostly laughing at you kids for jocking this bullshit. Not just Orfn but 90% of the graff in SF these days. Espescially that tree and frog shit. It's not even graffiti, it's GAYFFITI. You'd think you guys would have more respect for your citys scene and its history than to just gay it up like a bunch of homos. Normally I'd just mind my own buisiness but after seeing a couple of you cats comming onto the NYC thread talking shit about REAL graffiti I couldn't help myself. but I deffinately mean everything I said in here.


HAHAHA REAL GRAFFITI?? whats real graffiti then? the same boring NYC throwup style that everyone bites off? i swear to god theres so many writers in NY where im like, damn those letters look EXACTLY like seens or cope. how many writers use seens "e". your a dumbass kid, theres no fucking rules to graffiti and no certain way shit should look. how can you be hating on the treeguy god damn you is ignorant!!

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I'm not hating, I'm laughing. There's a difference. If he's up like that then good for him. I'm sure he's having fun and probably couldnt give a shit less about my opinion. I'm mostly laughing at you kids for jocking this bullshit. Not just Orfn but 90% of the graff in SF these days. Espescially that tree and frog shit. It's not even graffiti, it's GAYFFITI. You'd think you guys would have more respect for your citys scene and its history than to just gay it up like a bunch of homos. Normally I'd just mind my own buisiness but after seeing a couple of you cats comming onto the NYC thread talking shit about REAL graffiti I couldn't help myself. but I deffinately mean everything I said in here.


:shakehead: All up on here whining about gay people. Everybody knows that people who spend this much time and energy gay bashing are INSECURE about their own preferences. Fucking closet homosexual. faggot.

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