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Don't Call it Frisco


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thats funny Mr.mcfag, cause i aint even mad though. why you tryna hop on my dick anyways? practice what you preach hombre, as in stfu and stop tryna start shit for no reason


oh ps


since i know your incapable of stfu on your own

haha..you mad...ooohhh..you really got me now :p



Ps...its not like your gonna do anything..i know folks that have tried to get at you and you just make up excuses..id take a screen shot like you but its unecessary..your a pussy and gay...keep hiding behind the comfort of your mac l

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haha..you mad...ooohhh..you really got me now :p

keep hiding behind the comfort of your mac l


once again, taking your own advice



and there aint much you can say or do from behind YOUR COMPUTER SCREEN that will make me mad. annoyed by your retarded antics, maybe, but mad?? NEVER haha


so once again, shut the fuck up, punk ass kids these days, and careful what you say, YOUR SNITCH IS SHOWING

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