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Don't Call it Frisco


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I came up on a copy of beautiful decay with an good article on the muni tunnels from 05 or 06, while theyr were writing the article they started buffing the tunnels, starting with the ghost staion. ill post flicks later today prolly






and I think my house is on fire

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n judah muni train.


thanks for clearing that up.......




no...wait, you didn't clear anything up.....you just stated the obvious....that Im sure about 99% of the people that browse this thread immediately understood without your genius addition of "muni" and "train" to.... that..... yes the n judah is in fact a muni train........:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:






now that the same thing has been repeated three times, can some one clarify as to what the n judah sensor are meant to sense, we can call it a day. because im pretty sure the sensors aren't meant to pick up the trains that have been running for over 50 years.....are they like the aerosol sensors alarm things?

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Several weeks back someone posted a news article about sensors that detected spray cans. That is my best guess of what he is talking about.


all this money thats about to come in from the fair hikes must be burnin a hole in muni's pocket. already blowing money on worthless and highly flawed technology to fail at catching writers....when was the last time anyone has seen a fresh can shot on a muni train.....


talk about counting chicks before the eggs hatch....

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thanks for clearing that up.......




no...wait, you didn't clear anything up.....you just stated the obvious....that Im sure about 99% of the people that browse this thread immediately understood without your genius addition of "muni" and "train" to.... that..... yes the n judah is in fact a muni train........:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:






now that the same thing has been repeated three times, can some one clarify as to what the n judah sensor are meant to sense, we can call it a day. because im pretty sure the sensors aren't meant to pick up the trains that have been running for over 50 years.....are they like the aerosol sensors alarm things?



no..... problem.... i..... really.... enjoy..... your.... usage..... of the ........... dot dot dot.



and why would they put sensors to pick up the trains? they are aerosol sensors that have been talked about many of times.

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