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Don't Call it Frisco


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why dont you guys slap each other a bunch

in real life instead of wasting our

virtual space here then?

Its wasting my eye time.

When I come on here my brain makes me read

things even though I dont want to, and If they end

up being two people bickering back and forth like

an old married couple, my brain says,

"hey eyes, I thought you said that this was for grafffiti.

I do not care about kyle or hotchacha boy or BIGBOSSRISKONERROCKER has to say."

and then my eyes are all like,

"damn sorry, why do you have to get all mad at me

I am just looking, you are the one doing the reading"

(that was supposed to be read in a latino gay man's accent

with the lisp because my right eye is a 4'5" 'mo)


and then what?

then what is if you just read all that crap that I just typed,

that was my brain getting it's revenge.

I own exactly that many more synapses in YOUR dome piece.

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