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Originally posted by hollatchaboy+Mar 16 2005, 12:41 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (hollatchaboy - Mar 16 2005, 12:41 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-shastamcnasty@Mar 16 2005, 03:25 AM

take it to da streets young ninjas foe MR.WHOOPY gets rowdy on your asses...more violence, less talk :privateeye:


i would take it to da streets if da motherfucker was ever in the streets... instead of home!



haha you were standing with your homies ten feet away from me and didn't do shit.. quit talking shit you bitchmade nigga.. shut up bitch all you're good at is talking shit like you're gonna do something but you won't so save your fatass some energy and just kill yourself..

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so back to graffiti...

that flynt was pretty cool.

all the letters fit together good

and are in the same style. thats nice.

and the wall itself is pretty cool

all rusty and rainy...If I was there in

real life I'd probably be enjoying a cigarette

right about now, looking up at the sky

feeling all mellow...

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The Principles of Design Self Evaluation

Graffiti Tag Name Design

Name ____________________________________________ period _______

1. Was your design objective (a recognizable subject) or non-objective (just a design)?

2. Which kind of balance did you use?

Symmetrical (equal on both sides) Asymmetrical (informal placement) Radial (from a center point)

3. Circle two other principles of design you think you showed in your tag

Proportion (size) Emphasis (one part stands out) Variety (differences)

Rhythm (movement) Pattern (repeating) Unity (goes together)

4. Tell/describe how you used the two principles or how they show in your design:

Principle #1:

Principle #2:

How do you feel about the following? (circle one for #5 and #6)


5. Craftsmanship – neatly done average below average poorly done


6. Use of Class Time - worked every day average below average poor use of time


7. Outcome: How do you like it?

8. Is there anything you would do differently or change?

9. Tell me what your “tag” stands for or the meaning behind your symbol:

Turn in this form with your project to the basket

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click on this link here

and scroll down to "GV4 examines" for lameness such as:

"gestural, internal, and conceptual flow of letters"


and then there is this for you to evaluate yourself:


The Principles of Design Self Evaluation

Graffiti Tag Name Design


Name ____________________________________________ period _______

1. Was your design objective (a recognizable subject) or non-objective (just a design)?

2. Which kind of balance did you use?

Symmetrical (equal on both sides) Asymmetrical (informal placement) Radial (from a center point)

3. Circle two other principles of design you think you showed in your tag

Proportion (size) Emphasis (one part stands out) Variety (differences)

Rhythm (movement) Pattern (repeating) Unity (goes together)

4. Tell/describe how you used the two principles or how they show in your design:

How do you feel about the following? (circle one for #5 and #6)

5. Craftsmanship – neatly done average below average poorly done

6. Use of Class Time - worked every day average below average poor use of time

7. Outcome: How do you like it?

8. Is there anything you would do differently or change?

9. Tell me what your “tag” stands for or the meaning behind your symbol:


Turn in this form with your project to the basket

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Yesterday in one OF SF's smaller papers, dont remember which one.


Said: One of the city supervisors has proposed a bill for "$500 reward for info leading to arrest & conviction of graffiti writers.."" Should be up for a vote soon.


Personally I dont how that would change anything, maybe some unlucky bastard will get caught up in that but it wont even amount to a chip in the windshield of SF damage to be done.

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Originally posted by EUROne@Mar 17 2005, 09:10 PM


The criminal mind:


BRAVO tristan.




Credit also goes to all the artists and writers who did so much in this building.


By the way, does anyone know who is SALT and how to contact her/him ?


Same question for KIDS FIVE.


If some day I use photos of their work in a book, I would like to ask their permissions, if possible.


Those two in particular have been very active in the PHSH, and I have many photos of their work on http://www.phsh.org .

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Its that time of year again, folks.

Everybody bow your head and pour out a little liqour for a fallen king. Im not going to front and say i knew tie, i never met the guy. But i was writing when he was in his prime and pictures could not do justice to this guy but heres some for memories(all stolen):


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