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Maybe once you can burn some 13 year olds, then they'll respect "your" lawn. "failing for years and calling yourself a vet that's bold, mother Fucker you're not A vet you're just old" fuck your fame it's cheap. Any ass hole can paint tons of trains. It's takes skill to do something nice. What happens to the days where respect wasn't just handed out? No one has to earn shit.

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Maybe once you can burn some 13 year olds, then they'll respect "your" lawn. "failing for years and calling yourself a vet that's bold, mother Fucker you're not A vet you're just old" fuck your fame it's cheap. Any ass hole can paint tons of trains. It's takes skill to do something nice. What happens to the days where respect wasn't just handed out? No one has to earn shit.


CROW is a Vet , and knowing personally the people as friends/writers he surrounds himself with only makes him that much better than the average asshole leaving thowies and weak-ass handstyle all over town I see from a lot of the younger guys . I have 5-6 more years and I'm 40 and " Old " like the Dirty Bird . Fame...having your pieces in Can Control Magazine back in 1993-1994 was legit fame , because someone took the time to snap them up , someone took a look at them and decided they were worthy of printing . Anyone can paint something and send the picture almost instantaneously to the internet in seconds without taking the time to think whether it's worthy of anyone's attention . I see more of CROW posting other's work than his own on here . Respect...I think anyone involved in something for a long time should garner respect . I mean CROW ain't telling any kids to " Kiss my Converse punk " like Sho-Nuff , I know for a fact older guys like LOST have tried to help younger guys out or give them advice only to be ignored because a younger head misunderstood what they were doing as a sign of disrespect or actin' " Holier Than Thou " .


- Celt


Rapes looking dope as hell . :cool:

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5 or 6 dudes? You all are makeing ignorant statements bc you obviously dig the taste of dudes dick in your mouth, and yes homo on all of your parts. You guys respect obvious biters and wack shit bc it's up. A gang full of people get up on trains. Get the fuck out of Ohio and you'll see. Or here is an idea, spend time at the yard instead of on your jerk off box pretending. You all know deep inside I'm right! Fuck biters and fuck wack shit. Cheap, instant gratification for fame. You guys are killing Ohio graffiti with this shit. Get off other peoples shit and do something. Bunch of fucking jokes man. Someone could paint a pair of tits on every train and you all would think it was the best thing to ever happen to graffiti. How many shoes y'all go through a year for graffiti? Hoe many dr visits have you made this year bc of it? How about time in jail? How many NSF fees for paint? How many rough spots on your hands from cans markers and tips? None. How many miles have you walked in any given city? None. None of you find spots you weren't told about. Bunch of fucking purps. Getting offended bc someone tells you the truth. You all should go back to riding fixies and drinking pbr or playing d&d. Get back on xbox live. Streets are saying things, and they don't want you around. Fucking faggots.

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Its cool, we have no problem trashing his "burners". That Jess thing he did got gone over last night. Hope you like tags and throws!

yeah YOUR cool I see giving me proops in july and now HATING ON me.

JUMP on the band wangon "SON"


your post dude.


06-20-2010, 02:06 PM

Replies: 2,626 BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF Official Thread.

Views: 195,580 Posted By BusyDrowningCats

Re: BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF Official Thread.


bump crow real ohio shit haha see you got a flock of haters keep it up

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5 or 6 dudes? You all are makeing ignorant statements bc you obviously dig the taste of dudes dick in your mouth, and yes homo on all of your parts. You guys respect obvious biters and wack shit bc it's up. A gang full of people get up on trains. Get the fuck out of Ohio and you'll see. Or here is an idea, spend time at the yard instead of on your jerk off box pretending. You all know deep inside I'm right! Fuck biters and fuck wack shit. Cheap, instant gratification for fame. You guys are killing Ohio graffiti with this shit. Get off other peoples shit and do something. Bunch of fucking jokes man. Someone could paint a pair of tits on every train and you all would think it was the best thing to ever happen to graffiti. How many shoes y'all go through a year for graffiti? Hoe many dr visits have you made this year bc of it? How about time in jail? How many NSF fees for paint? How many rough spots on your hands from cans markers and tips? None. How many miles have you walked in any given city? None. None of you find spots you weren't told about. Bunch of fucking purps. Getting offended bc someone tells you the truth. You all should go back to riding fixies and drinking pbr or playing d&d. Get back on xbox live. Streets are saying things, and they don't want you around. Fucking faggots.


if you knew anything about fr8s you would know that they get killed in ohio. how about you post up a couple of those pieces youre talkin about or those bombs from walkin routes so much that you gotta keep gettin new shoes or goin to the doctor. or how about this: try walking on some train tracks for 5 hours 5 days a week. yeah why dont you count how many crow pieces roll by you also, or any other cat from ohio before you talk about whose not doing what in ohio

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yeah YOUR cool I see giving me proops in july and now HATING ON me.

JUMP on the band wangon "SON"


your post dude.


06-20-2010, 02:06 PM

Replies: 2,626 BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF Official Thread.

Views: 195,580 Posted By BusyDrowningCats

Re: BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF Official Thread.


bump crow real ohio shit haha see you got a flock of haters keep it up



Thats kinda like you bumpin TR kids and them goin over them? right??


And a few months ago when i posted that you werent going over us. Like i said, totally cool, you wanted more beef you found it.

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