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CHOPLOGIC-GOOD PROGRESS! Your structure is goodgoodgoodgoodgood. Bravo.

VENOM-Very good start on the straight letters. Bravo for staying simple. Work on the 'O's bud.

BOUNCINGSOUL-Definitely the one on the right.

KNIM-For throws, they're aight. Go check out the Throwy thread and work on yours and practice. I wanna see some of your straight letters.


It's nice to see that suddenly everyone is working on structure and straight letters.

Those of you who are, are making good progress.


Keep it up kids.

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did a little more with the pic from before, made it like a fake crew thing. The P on the Path is pretty whack because i didnt want to use the same P over and over again, and I had 4 P's.




nice use of complimentary colours, i always try to do that everytime i do fills... great work with that. what i can say is that the lettering is simple but as got style so it's really good, also you should also (Like what you've done) have backup styles of each letter that might come up more than twice, so you have a bit of diversity through your piece/bomb/throw/etc


that's all i have right now but keep it real simple and also save up so you can invest in good wide markers for BGs so you dont get those dark squiggles when you fill...


again, just my 2 cents, i'm still a toy and probably will be for a long time so i want to help a couple of guys with art/colour advice whenever i learn something new

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yo everyone. just some recent stuff. critz critz critz....


that's cool, it really stands out. i like the lettering but sort of leave the "serif" out of the e, what i mean is, either make it slightly smaller or take out the little flick at the bottom of the "e"<-- this thing


but over all it looks really nice

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did these an hour ago,first one needs some work. critz would be appriciated.peace.


i love the first one, looks icy... very cool (no pun intended), and your second one should turn out great... try earth colurs (brown,dark orange, black) for your charachter bit of your sketch... but hey that's me talking. you decide, but still really cool work there man.

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If that says sever, then change your name right now. But if it says seven which i think it might, dont worry. I'm just making sure.



Sketch from today.



The flash sucked the color out, its really not that light irl, its more of a dark minty green. But whatever, crits. Thanks.

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If that says sever, then change your name right now. But if it says seven which i think it might, dont worry. I'm just making sure.



Sketch from today.



The flash sucked the color out, its really not that light irl, its more of a dark minty green. But whatever, crits. Thanks.



i dont really like this one. it seems like youre trying really hard to move forward. maybe go back to simpler stuff

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