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Guest Sparoism

I'm lazy. There, I said it.


Oh, I meant to say this-


01001001 00100111 01101101 00100000 01101100 01100001 01111010 01111001 00101110 00100000 01010100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110011 01100001 01101001 01100100 00100000 01101001 01110100 00101110


This is actually kind of fun. Good idea, Mainter.

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Guest Sparoism

HAHA..pretty funny.


As far as binaries go, I believe in automation...don't you? (I guess not.)


I wouldn't mind taking a look at The Mainter Repository someday....how about it?


I have some good stuff, maybe we can do some trading...

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Originally posted by Sparoism@Feb 16 2006, 11:48 PM

HAHA..pretty funny.


As far as binaries go, I believe in automation...don't you? (I guess not.)


I wouldn't mind taking a look at The Mainter Repository someday....how about it?


I have some good stuff, maybe we can do some trading...



http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=69367 sign up and maybe we will be able to trade

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GNOME 2.13.91 (2.14 Beta 2) Released



GNOME 2.13.91 has been released. As always, the odd-numbered branches indicate dev-branches, and as such the 2.13.x series is the step-up to the GNOME 2.14 release, planned for March this year. The 2.13.91 release is the second beta. Release notes: platform, desktop, and bindings; downloads: platform, desktop, and bindings.

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Novell and Ximian

Novell Linux Desktop 10 Beta Planned for March


Novell plans to release a beta for its Linux Desktop 10 including new features offering better interoperability with Microsoft Office and Open Office, said Ted Haeger, Novell's director of user communities, at the Southern California Linux Expo. The beta, tentatively scheduled for release next month, will include a new feature, dubbed Xgl. Haeger said Xgl will allow users to jump between screens and multiple desktops. Targeted to CAD software users, Xgl has a practical side that allows users to have better window- and file-sharing capabilities.

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Linux Kernel Boots on Intel iMac


The Linux kernel is now up and running on an Intel iMac, and as such the Linux guys have beaten the windows guys. "Using elilo and a modified Linux kernel, we can boot from a USB hard disk on the 17" iMac Core Duo. We are using the hacked vesafb driver to inherit the bootloader's framebuffer, keyboard and a USB network card work. Gentoo runs and can compile the Linux kernel." Note that you can't really do much more than stare at the shell prompt, as no graphical environment boots yet.

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Right guys I've got a quick question for you -


I've got a spreadsheet full of peoples names, email addresses and a path to a file I need to send them. Each contact has a different file - the spreadsheets about 80 contacts long.


Is their any way of making a mail merge that will attached the emails using the path specified in the spreadsheet or ay other way I can get these files to each person without manually sending them myself ??


And help much appreciated.

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Have you ever dream of 100 terabyte of data per 3.5-inch disk? New patented innovation nanotechnology from Michael E. Thomas, president of Colossal Storage Corporation, makes it real.


Michael invented and patented the world's first and only concept for non-contact UV photon induced electric field poling of ferroelectric non-linear photonic bandgap crystals, which offers the possibility of controlling and manipulating light within a UV/Deep Blue frequency of 1 nm to 400 nm.


It took him 14 years to find a practical conceptualization that would work to advance the storage industry; 3D Volume Holographic Optical Storage Nanotechnology, for which Michael holds the patents. He was invited to present this fascinating discovery to the National Science Foundation in February 2004.

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jeez, i had a rooster picture all ready.


for that "show me your tits" thread


as for that girl with the shirt, yes i can read that, and yes, i would plow that girl wearing that shirt in a heartbeat.





i'm working on coming up with something to cover here that hasn't been covered before.....thinking....

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Tutorials on Malware removal programs, etc


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Tutorials on Windows in general


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Tutorials on Networking in general


Web Tutorials

Tutorials on web design, html, css, xhtml, etc.


you know what should really happen admins should make a fourm for Computer Tech Support and make casek and I the Moderators


unlikley but whocares

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hey this thing is pretty kool http://www.hamachi.cc/ its a private peer to peer program something like soulseek but better it makes VPN (so its secure and when you download it you can browse users windows share files which they setup for you to view like music and programs instantly like you were apart of there network you just have to make an identity and join a group

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