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why is it that certain writers think they have the right to dictate to the whole scene on what they should think of other crews. youre all just a heard of sheep and one day the sheppards gonna get whats coming! u think that cuz u roll wiv the man dem, u got style but let me tell u now... YOURE WAK! Big ups to BEW for makin an impact on the notts scene. isnt that what were all here for?? yea they may have gone over some illegals, they mite be outsiders but instead of sittin at ur pc writing about it why dont u get the fuck up and do somethin about it?!? Big up to the one like bograt. man dont give a fuck. u think u can scare one of the most up there writers at the minute by coming on here talkin shit u know nothing about?? dont take chances cuz we give dictators the SADAM treatment. yes u know it, sandbag over ur head and a 3 foot drop to ur death u fucking sheep.

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check this yeh i've had about 5 or 6 people coming to me telling whats going on about this beef, dont you think i know whats poppin? the jokest thing about this is complete randoms are telling ME whats going on... its just showing me this crap is all talk or at least developing that way... i mean i even got a call telling me i got seperate beef with seperate people about style steeling..........i mean come on, me..... style steeling? it seems like someones just heard about this beef i got and just thought oh yeh lets start something else. its like one big game of chinese wispers, yet i dont see an increase in bombing out there on the street, common guys your supposed to be graff artist's your words are supposed to make an impact on walls not on the bloody internet........

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alright assuming that everything i hear is true, askr your going too far man, i met irek once or twice and he gets involved along the way somehow? obviously looking at this everythings gone way too far already, yes i did go over the piece at moore bridge and yeh ask i did do ur wall, and yes, it was a stupid thing to do at completely the wrong time. and i can understand why ur going round on a mad one tryna find me, i'd be pissed off to the same level if someone directed that kinda beef my way, but i'll be honnest, not only with you but everyone, i've lost myself, lost in a drugged up mindstate, so much so that i didnt put a thought into how much a bad idea both these things were when suggested to me, and i feel so.....violated... cus i'm left to suffer in the consiquence of others design. and i know it being someone elses suggestion doesnt compensate for my actions, i let drugs make me stupid, stupid enough to listen to people, so i deserve you taking this reaction, truth is u know as well as i do this is way out of my league, so....yeh....i quit....as of now i aint gon be writing on road no more i aint no badman when it comes to fighting my way out of situations like this and i dont wanna go on making things worse on myself trying to be. so yeh i'm vamping myself out, hope thats enough for you ask, although i understand its probably not.

ur trying to find a guy who only just knows where HE's at himself, homeless, jobless, a complete drug bum, so i'm leaving notts, going to stay with some family elsewhere, sort myself out, been thinking of leaving notts for a long time and this seems like a good excuse so i'm out your way and i've stopped writing so just keep up what you do man cus going back on what i sed about your stuff, i remember seeing you wen i started out and looking at you as one of the top writers and loving all your stuff, and then i met you and spoke to you for more than 5 minutes i think its the way you were with me that bummed me out, i'm a friendly guy and i'm guessing on a safer side of situations you are too, you seem to be fine with everyone else but i think it turned out this way cus we were both being biased, i was a LOT less experianced than you and a lot cockier and there were a million reasons for you not to trust me, but i just thought you were being an asshole and became biased towards your work. but i respect you as an artist and maybe if i had of done then, things might be differant now. but as much as i hate to admit it i cant handle this situation, on top of that i feel so ashamed and guilty cus of whats happened with irek.

irek man i'm sorry you had to get involved, ur the last person i thought would hear anything about this, i feel....ashamed cus ur not even that kinda writer, you love up your legals, not that its a bad thing, but you shouldnt be getting beef at all, especially nothing to do with me... i owe u a big appology man. and DF scar shut sorry about moore bridge, i was just being a cock, without thinking about it, you know, as a writer i aint usually the type to be goin on like a badman beefing with all the other writers its just sometimes life events change a persons mindstate, askr u taught me this aint the right kind of mindstate for me... thanks for that if anything.

TDS DTC, boys sorry i couldnt say bye... orbz

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askr i think we need to talk... if ur still that pissed at me that ur just gonna ignore this then there aint much i can do but i dun want this beef with you, like i sed i used to respect you till the first amount of tention between us, its all just come too far. theres a million chinese wispers commin back and forth between anyone and everyone in notts, aint u learnt that notts is the rumour capital yet? other people are only making things worse than they already are, and ur probably hearing just as much shit as i am. i'm out of notts, and could just disregard this whole mess but, believe it or not, i care too much about this whole thing to just abandon it, i respect you still and i've probably done a lot more FOR YOU than i have against you cus if could change what i did i would, but for now i think i just need to talk to you less off this 12 oz chit chat lets just figure this out pm me or something, like i sed i cant do anything about this unless you do, and i understand your reasons as to why u wouldnt but cant you just put ur morals aside, i have. peace. orbz

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jesus man, get some self respect.


trying to talk your way out of a beatdown on 12oz? i mean come on. really?


you gotta take the consequences for your actions, everyone at some point fucks up and in some cases gets dealt with, s'how you learn and grow.


so please, stop with the brown nosing and just take what you have coming, 'cause to be honest watching this go down in this thread is pityful.


and before you come at me, no i don't have anything to do with your situation or any of the writers involved in it, and no i'm not shit stirring or getting involved in your "chinese whispers" that you're so paranoid about. i'm just telling you how it is.

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by the christ is this what graff in notts is all about? This shit is so far past out of hand that i can't get my head around it. True say, if i was in your boots Orbz, i would've been gone a long time ago, before any of this got out of hand. Fair enough, you haven't really helped yourself spouting bollocks and beef on here of all places and fair enough you made the stupidest most SUICIDAL move ever on someone's wall. (honestly not tryin to hot anyone up here, just lettin him know how thick he was)! My heart goes out to IREK, of whom certain individuals should be fucking feelin sick over. He was the last man who deserved to see some stairs, the last man in notts, what the fuck has he done, mans a respected writer with no beef, ties or aquaintances of that kind at all and therefore, cus he has met someone only TWICE, he has to get the badman treatment. Poor fucking bastard. TROUBLE VIA ASSOCIATION seems to be where its at in nottingham at the moment, and i dont think i wanna be a part of it, and i also think it is outrageous, not that any of you will care, but this needs to be said, even if there's only one person who agrees with me out there. Yes, i predictded all of this months ago, tried to warn people and just got ignored. I'm not outcasting anyone or saying they are unjustified. As i said, if i were you Mr. O, i would've chipped ages ago, on the other hand tho, i am not sayin you are innocent, if i were you Mr. A, i'd probably be feeling the same way right now, i can understand why you are furious, id be going absolutely mental myself, fair enough, but c'mon, the ONLY thing i am saying you have done wrong is that i know you were tryin to find him, but the IREK thing???? fuck me sideways bled!!! To the both of you, I think that you have been, at some point, at the top, literally, of the Notts scene, so it is sad to see talent get forced out, although it may be self-inflicted. Don't think you could/should/would ever return to this awful city Mr. O, and think the best thing to do is forget about it, as mad as it sounds. To be fair, you were goin on like a badman yourself Mr. O until you find out bout IREK, maybe that knocked some sense into you. Its a disgustingly poor tale that it had to come to somethin like this to make you open your eyes, but i bet you're wishing it was you instead of that poor mother fucker aren't you? Mr. A yeah you are a badman, that what you wanted to hear, i wouldn't mess with such a person, an especially wouldn't mess with such an artist, and i don't know anyone who would(anymore). I'm not havin a pop at you, fair dos for standing your ground, and as far as the scene goes, back in the day i rated you so much, always wanted to meet you, thought you were a legend and can honestly say, that you were the biggest single handed influence in myself first pickin up a spraycan, honest to god. I think that your style was a hell of a lot tighter back in the day than it is now, but i fully understand the reasons for it, not that i can preach to anyone (especially you) about style. But you dont need me to tell you how respected you are, by both people who do and don't know you, like myself! Once again, i swear im not having a go, just gettin it off my chest. Hopefully the notts scene will return to as close a normal state as it can and we wont be seeing anymore bograt vs 187 shite. You are a good, established, well respected writer mr A, (as are you Mr. O, despite what the haters say!) and i dont think you should taint your name with such pettiness, but thats just my opinion and of course you don't have to and probably won't listen to me, my general point being, that you are both better than this. I am kinda regrettin writin this now incase it comes my way, even tho i've done nothin wrong, just tryin to put some common sense into the situation, not that it is in my position to do so! It's fucking sad to see you go Mr. O., props for the sick piece on vernon road, cheers for stealin my spot, haha. You will be greatly missed and greatly remembered. Yeah you brought it on yourself, and you knew exactly what you were doin an who you were messin with, so i guess on principals i have to call you a stupid twat, but hey, i love you man! Please please please boys, can we not just call it a day, i think we know who the winner is, and unfortunately who the loser(S) are. AS i say, this is just TOO DAMN STUPID! Man like Mr. A, THEY DONT STOP! DO TAKE CARE mist'ooowbze, you will never be forgotten. Once again, i am not havin a go at anyone, or tryin to carry it on, or tellin anyone what to do, nobody is blameless here, but shit, can it actually get any more ridiculous than this lads??? one more thing Orbz, who suggested anything to you in the consequences of design, no one made you do anything, if at all, it would probably be the other way round, if at all. You stupid stupid boy, we will never forget you. fuck shit fuck. whul it down boyz!!! as for the catalysts and enzymes that got involved along the way and tried to speed up the 'reaction', mentioning no names, you know who you are, and you should be ashamed! by the christ...

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