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All those answers are on the first 3 pages of this thread.



It's not easy, but you have to follow the recipes if you don't

know what you are doing. You can't just start mixing every

thing that looks like a dark liquid, throw in some dot3(not for

ink btw), shake it up and expect good results.


You gotta check those first 3 pages... again.



If you want easy answers to all your questions, then you

don't deserve the answers. Try the stuff out on the first page.


I suggest making a "paint" mix first before even touching the

idea of making "ink."

Good luck.

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The Liquid Acrylic isn't going to dry, or even mix correctly,

at all with DOT3 or the Archival ink.

It's just not going to.

What's the BASE on the Black Archival Ink?

Is it water, or alcohol, base?


RIT... Should only be added to water based mixes.

So if the archival ink is alcohol based, don't add the Rit.


Good effort, but read around the thread, search for words

like "Recipe", "Mixes", "alcohol based" and things of that

sort. There are a lot of specifics when it comes to actual

ink, and you have thrown acrylic paint into your ink mix.


Not good.


I say, start with a simple oil based paint mix.

There is perfect one on the first page of this thread.


Good luck.


I have read through every last page long-long before i did this. I just wanted to try something that's a bit taboo. Today i went to go check my last tag, it got buffed but left a pretty mean ghost. So I'ma keep this recipe just for the ghost left behind.:smiles:

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leather dye.


but i still think you need the additive.

im not saying what it is, cuz i like fucking with people. its been said before, but you need it or the ink will crap out in the rain.


ill post the results of the ink outdoors in 6 days.(a week from yesterday)


On metal

painted metal


painted walls.


no pix, just results (sun bleaching, staining, ghosting, shit like that)


In a few days of rain, and sunshine.

no buff for my tags.


metals, okay. left a brakefluid type ring around the tag.

painted surfaces (metal, crete), pretty dope.

tile, dope

and some plastics. not all.

absolutely shitty on glass.

drips...HELL YEAH!


all in all, pretty dope for an entirely racked homemade ink.



on aseperate note, some heads on bombingscience forums have been going on about evaporating the water out of bingo markers and india ink to use the pigment in markers n shit. wondering, so oink, or asdf_va!, or rogue, just wondering if you thought it was a good idea. to me, it sounds reasonable.

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on aseperate note, some heads on bombingscience forums have been going on about evaporating the water out of bingo markers and india ink to use the pigment in markers n shit. wondering, so oink, or asdf_va!, or rogue, just wondering if you thought it was a good idea. to me, it sounds reasonable.


Only if this is your only option... then yeah.

They still wont be to par, but it will get you by

for the staining. I say stick with the ink pen idea.


Split them open, lengthwise, and scrape the ink into

some alcohol. Or... just bite the bullet and get some

oil-based paint to make something that will work.


Don't ever boil any mixes you make. It's not worth

the potential danger. You got toxic fumes, that only a

professional grade "respirator" can filter, and the danger

of combustion, depending on what is in your mix. That's

not even mentioning the mess that it makes.

Be safe.

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I thought you were joking...

But sometimes you can never tell in here.


The pen ink mixes great with a little rubbing

alcohol. That should be all you need for it.


Good luck!

Post your results.


if you add gum arabic. (changing from 2 tbs to 3-3.5 tbs every 4 oz) it helps it last in the rain.


and i thought bingo ink was waterbased? how dangerous could it be?

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The mix is "water based" but that only means

that the chemicals are "water soluble" and THAT

doesn't mean the chemicals are not toxic. They

could be toxic already, or become toxic by reacting

with enough heat. Just check the MSDSa's if you can.


Good luck.

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prolly in a morgue, with ink stains in our noses.


oh yeah, oink told me this.



oink ink has iodine in it. so if you either have oink, or a mix with iodine in it, DO NOT BOIL IT. if you do, your house will test positive for cooking meth in it.

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Probably in a zig woodcraft...

So a few months ago I made an awesome ink out of 2 bottles stamp pad ink as a base right? I added about a shot of alcohol then a tablespoon or so of dark aluminum which you cant get now, dont try. I mixed that up and added a little bit of dark black acrylic.

Then I went and used a aleenes glue pen to put it on a madrona tree really high on a cliff in full exposure everyday right? Things still up and hasnt faded one bit the only damage was from someone peeling up a bunch of the bark so part of its physically gone but the part that isnt is bright and opaque as ever it dried super quick and was generally worth the tiny bit of money I put into it.

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