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The Street Sticker Thread


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Originally posted by MOOGLE?@Oct 19 2004, 10:09 AM

why just the city?


why not some million dollor neighborhood?


if your gonna bring property value down you should include everybody..


i defintaly agree...nice post orbit, keep the flicks going..this thread used to be the funk and now its just dying down....maybe soon i will get some flicks up

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why just the city?


why not some million dollor neighborhood?


if your gonna bring property value down you should include everybody..



Putting up stickers is NOT graffiti............and will hardly bring any property value down.!!!!


HAHAHAHA......stickers on poles bringin the property value down.......HAHAHA.....ever heard of scraping them off.......

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Originally posted by Stomah@Oct 19 2004, 02:36 PM

Haha, that aint no million dollar home, looks like a threee room apartment complex to me.


I don't know where you live?.....But where I live the houses don't look like that....And I sure as hell don't see property like that in my city...... :yuck:

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Post your photos in the NEW Sticker Thread please....not this one.....This thread isn't for lame graffiti stickers.......


Thanks :(




what got your knickers in a knot? They're stickers and they're on the street... :gaga:



Here's the thing.....graffiti shouldn't exist on stickers. If you're killin shit with tags and you do stickers too....cool......but if you have no ups and you can't even do a descent tag don't fill out a sticker and post it online.......it isn't even a fresh sticker....Do I really have to tell you this?.........


...and you ask "what got your knickers in a knot" ......This thread falling to shit that's what got my fuckin knickers in a knot...... :hatred:

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Sigh. So what you're saying, 5003, is that you can only do stickers if you tag and are recognised/up?

"graf shouldn't exist on stickers" christ, graf can be anything - 50foot high letters mown into grass - if the intent is right, you narrow minded blinkered child. It's all about style, coverage and balls, surely?

And as for location, anywhere/anything goes... not all of us live in cites. Anyway, looks like a park.



ps. this thread's fallin to shit? So get out there and make us all some stix, post 'em, flic 'em and post them on here if you're that cheezed. Jeezus.

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To my knowledge no one on this thread is trying to do "graffiti"....I would classify it more like "street art" but I don't want to get caught up in sumantics .....My point is this isn't the right thread to be posting photos of tags on stickers......period....


And if you think graffiti is "50 foot letters mowed into grass" than I guess you have some learning to do...


...My advice watch Style Wars...



And as far as me posting flix on 12oz I've tried a shit load of times and frankly I've given up.....If people want to see some of my stuff they can check out my site...I try to update it at least once a month...


Don't take this shit personal man. It's just my opion....





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Edit: WHERES MY STICKERS SLOW POKE?!?!? YOUD" SAID YOUD SNAP THEM! ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha, its cool man. i know you hooked me up where you at.


semmer down ya'lls damn.


hey 5003, why so much hate on graf heads who write on stickers? i don't see nothing wrong with that. i don't see any graf heads bashing bob, toro, perro or evolve when they did the walls with their characters.


and i think graffiti can be a lawn moeing if its presented well. graffiti is defined by writing or an inscription onto a wall or other surface. so why wouldn't 50 foot letters moed into the lawn not be considered as graffiti? inscripted.


folks write on walls, convuses, trains, sub seats, glass, in some cases big rocks, so why not stickers?


and yea, there are sticker heads doing graf, have you over looked toro writing frost on all them bricks? i myself am leaning toward graf lately. thats why there hasn't been many pics of my stickers around lately, but i'll get back into that in a week or so.


whatever, man, so much heat over nothing. show some love for your fellow brotha trying to get by.

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Ving, I'm sorry. I havnt gotten stickers up in so long. Not even my own. I am going thru withdrawls. I need a few days off from life so I can enjoy the feeling of stickering again. your stickers are around still tho, and will eventually all be put up and flicked.


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Don't take this shit personal man. It's just my opion....


fucking hell man them flicks of my stickers aint even in the wood s yeah one of the fuckers is odl the other two ust fresh that week man fucking hell get a grip its a sticker thread if some one had made a thread with sticker taggin as the name i would have put them in there not my fault ur fucking threads falling apart maybe u need to get out there and flick my friend


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