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There are some posters who get biased votes, I've seen it....I clearly burnt people in the past and didn't get mine, but I'm not going to write a series of mini essay's about it.


im not denying that,


its because you and Optick are assholes.


but at you're an intelligent asshole.

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I aint here for that.

This thread is dead because of the shit you let in here Q.

First you go around trying to regulate, then you become a part of the problem....



Nigga, look at your work and look at mine, and then tell me who and whats intelligent...

Your steez is retarded for real.





Because I am bombing on you and ya roadies?

Fuck outta here with that you dunski.

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I aint posting none of my flix....

Frankly, I dont even do it no more. But I will deffinetly burn Q, EDOGG, and whom ever wants to fux with this paper shit....


Did it before, and I will burn em again.


Peep the "remote" Black and white battle.

You'll cee.

Plus Mouth of War, I think their banwaggon is full....

I'm not joining any "bandwagon" and I've always liked your sketches...Matter of fact, I made one of your sketches a screensaver for a week or so cause I liked it so much.


I just think you're wasting your time trying to change things...I mean afterall this is a public forum and out of the 1000's of members who post on this board, only a few of them post in here.


You obviously have more talent then most people in the paper chase everyone can see that, but all the name calling and feeling yourself post really detracts from your artwork....Of course I love poking fun at some of the lames here to, but it's for my own personal amusement....People who take the internet too seriously make me laugh.


Continue to do you man, but forget about the votes... An internet victory will never take the place of a real life win.

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Continue to do you man, but forget about the votes... An internet victory will never take the place of a real life win.


optick you need to take that shit to the heart. this is the internet and your getting so gassed about this. im sick of comming here looking at all your fuckin long ass posts that all the same shit. toy this toy that biased this biased that. stop riding your own dick son, 80s subway graff is sick, but that shit is dead, now its time to apprciate the new styles.

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@ Mouth, True indeed. Thats real.

I am waisting my time.

Let these fake ass fagots have their so-called power. But I sure hope Power Snuffs em right in the fuckin face and knocks a toof out fa sho.

And Mouth Of War, I got nothing against you either...

You one of the neutral observers on here, unlike this toy ass nigga Q...

What a crying shame this battle thread is.

Just call it a Toy thread.


Thats all its been getting.


And for all those who hate the fact that I rant, O well, live with it...


Yall dont have to like me or my personality, but trust that my work will set fire to toys quick. Then all they will say is Unoriginal. Trying to pull a card on me?

I got a whole stack I can throw at you toys on here who cast fugazy ass votes.

believe that.


I am still going to battle Q and over rated E dogg.

So whats up with it?

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optick you need to take that shit to the heart. this is the internet and your getting so gassed about this. im sick of comming here looking at all your fuckin long ass posts that all the same shit. toy this toy that biased this biased that. stop riding your own dick son, 80s subway graff is sick, but that shit is dead, now its time to apprciate the new styles.


I aint riding my own dick. But I will deffinetly grab it and stuff it straight down ya chicks throat and make her gag like a pro.:o


Toy this, toy that?

I am only speaking of you and ya crew nikka, who else...

You wish you could fuck with it...



But you cant.:o

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You must have misread what I said. I never said i was better than you. I've complimented your work multiple times. It's sick.


You battling me is like an MMA fighter beating up an 8 year old kid.


If that's really what you need to get your dick hard, that's fine, I'll do it.


But I still just don't understand why you cant just shut the fuck up and post pics.

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Directed at no one in general but to the bull shit overall!




Someone talks shit - BATTLE THEM one on one

If you truly got game "Smoke um and they'll shut up.

If you can't smoke um them maybe it's time to listen to the advice.



All the shit talking get you no where, all it does is work you up!





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i am so going to be a day late... my roommate isnt going to be back with the camera until tomorrow afternoon...


anyone down to battle with oneline hands?

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Directed at no one in general but to the bull shit overall!




Someone talks shit - BATTLE THEM one on one

If you truly got game "Smoke um and they'll shut up.

If you can't smoke um them maybe it's time to listen to the advice.



All the shit talking get you no where, all it does is work you up!





bump this idea lets get some beef battles

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You must have misread what I said. I never said i was better than you. I've complimented your work multiple times. It's sick.


You battling me is like an MMA fighter beating up an 8 year old kid.


If that's really what you need to get your dick hard, that's fine, I'll do it.


But I still just don't understand why you cant just shut the fuck up and post pics.



In other words, you are still an 8 year old,

which may include side effects of retardation

and I should really stop coming here right?

You kidding ya self again with your crew of instigators.

I will continue commenting on this FORUM cause its my right to help guide you fools.

If yall wanna continue doing this battle thread with certian writers who are not elevated. then the better writers will not get on here and build on styles and origins and real recognition correctly.

Real Recognizes Real, and I sure as hell dont recognize Real Style on Here..

Only a Few. Q, Your style is very immature, E Dogg, you got the writer in you. Tags, Throw Ups, and Piecing letters. You got it... Respect.

I am not hating you and other men and women on here...

I know certian heads is learning and shit...

Thats where there work counts..

They can actually be amongst their grade(TOYS in a novice/student way and culture)

All that means is, yall can come by as welcomed, but not add comments or cast votes.

The Toy thread needs to be Utilized as a school, where certian heads can get advanced with it..

There aint no more teachers, so students are few, and so are masters and teachers.. So who ever follows, shall...

But as far as a child being equaal to a aged being, is a big NO.

This thread being originally a pro thread, needs to get on a higher level. And I Know there are ill ass writers on here...

This is the Mecca of graff for real Niggaz as my self.

So I know that the majority aint toy...

I want to battle highly advanced people on here..

So thats why I am here.


Toys, I will no longer at this time, waist it by ranting against you all. But that does not mean I am your friend..

In this Alter Ego life of Graff, I got no where to go to battle and there seems to be no comp because real heads aint showing up..

Yall need to get together and study up on ya heros in Graffiti Style, and follow it, find a teacher and if not, Peep how the grown folks in style do it.

And follow, cuz I lead Right and Exact regardless how much you may slander my name and existance...

Those attacks I get accused of are general, and those who take it personal are guilty of it.

If I called ya name out, It was directed to you as a message to clean upyo acts..

Yall suppose to know what time it is..

Fuck the spamming of corny outlines and insecurity..


Take ya time and sketch. Put ya time and thought to it.

Take this as one of my last wise spoken scrolls.

Kep fuckin with me and I will keep on bombing ya insecure asses. Challenge me.

Nah, Battle me.


1 Love.

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Impartial observation****


Me and Optick came to an understanding of sort's after we beef'd and I can see how He's got hurt feeling's (no diss op)because He know's his shit's fire, as we all do, and when he post's a piece that he took alot of time doing, people vote AGAINST him, and not FOR someone else.......

a chosen few on here can burn OP...... and it's BS that he has not won every battle thus far(minus the rising, Ethreadz got ya on that one, imo).

I dont think if he really got burned and lost the battle's that he would be ranting like this.

In private conversation's I've had with Optick, he seem's like a really good dude who is kind of getting a raw deal(on this thread)....

and we could all do without the multiple angry posts from him and we could also do without the post's telling him how much of a "dick" he is(it's not gonna make him fall back it's gonna get him even more voistrous!!!)


and thats all I got to say about that...... My 2 cent's

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