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Official Battle Thread


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What gives me the right to decide who is toy and who isnt? Am i supposed to just rule this thread with an iron fist, and everyone has to pm me and see if they are allowed to battle or not based solely on my judgement? I dont think that seems very fair.


The only fair way for the toys to still be able to battle and for us to get the toys the fuck out of this battle thread, in my opinion, is for the toys to go battle on bombingscience, mindgem, or any of the other toy forums. They have specific battles for toys only there, and they basically cater to toys on those forums. 12oz hates toys, everyone talks shit to the toys here. If you are a toy and you are reading this and sick of 12oz'ers talkin shit to you, get the fuck off of 12oz. Seriously, bombingscience and mindgem love people like you, go bother them. :)


Im not going to act like i am some old school head, or some all knowing graffiti god, because you know damn well that i am not. I just think that this thread is such a piece of shit with toys overrunning it. You toys, look thru some of the older pages of this thread, and see the kind of competition that was in here. It is way above all of you, even the more experienced heads battling in here now, it is above them too.


Thats how this thread was meant to be and thats why this thread is lame now. Im done ranting. But maybe i will take back over anyway, just to reorganize it.



yo Q man i def feel u..more and more toys r getting up in here, and its not right...

some1 should make a toy battling thread..cause i just looked back a couple of pages and the competition was crazy, the toys killed it... im srry

now i wont fucking go to BS or Mindgem cause tht shit sucks, im gonna stay here and organize toy battles, all we will have to do is look in here if we need ^^inspiration^^

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okay, time to get this shit on point.


I'll be running the battles again. If yall dont mind. :p


The words will be selected with Random Word Generator ...

Battle due dates are final, no exceptions to late-comers.


The way the voting system will be is how it originally was in this thread, the first person to get five votes wins.

I will keep track of all your wins on a scoreboard that i have... Sorry to those who requested this, but i wont be restarting the scoreboard.

I dont think its fair to others that battled before to have their names erased from there.


Battles will not have week long due dates, it will be more in the general area of 3 or 4 days, which is plenty of time to draw something so dont complain.


No Toys :)


Any questions feel free to ask.




New Battle:


Word: "Story"

Rules: Color Required, No Characters/Background

Due Date: Wednesday August 29th 10:00 PM US Central Time Zone




Get Crackin!

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I ran the battles for a while on here, not as long as Starz did though,

and no one seemed to complain about how i do it, so pleased dont come in here all like:


"yo the new battle is this" etc etc


if you insist on doing that, u can just pm the word you really want to battle for to me and let me set it up,

that way it will stay uniform in the way it is organized and not be a jumbled up fucking mess...

sorry to be anal about it but it just works better that way.



also if u want to one on one challenge someone, shit, go ahead, but once again please pm the pics and whatnot to me so i can set it up.


thanks, ill try to do my best running this shit once again... *sigh*

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