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Northwest Superthread II(without crappy flicks)


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Originally posted by seattledied

will someone flick the kiloe billboard on the vioduct?? shit was looking crazy ill


I will bet you 6 cans that the KILOE cat had that sign rocked in under an half an hour. I had to make 3 trips around the viaduct to get a flick I thought worthy for the 12oz shit talkers. I miss the fuckin BOSS post, and it has only been like 2 weeks since his going into hiding.


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yo alke what up man i miss my seattle people. even though you know cali is cracking. i need to get my ass up there one of these days. i have been trying to call you but you never pick up. so i had to resort to the fuckin message board man you for sure need to e mail me your number vegantuff@yahoo.com anyways it was good to take young stakola out and watch that kid fuckin krush shit. you need to come down here too. anyways hit me back dude



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Re: Art 1 Buff 0


Originally posted by dumptrucking

Fuck the Buff, they love to paint, only with one color, the color of money


http://members.trainorders.com/trainhorns/91403/bricks/Porer%20bus%20091003.jpg'> http://members.trainorders.com/trainhorns/91403/bricks/Movebus%20091003.jpg'> http://members.trainorders.com/trainhorns/91403/bricks/Haiku%20091003.jpg'>


these are great examples of the selective busline buff, not the pieces, but the just recently buffed marks behind the mover, oscar, and haiku. that pores is right next to it, not buffed. everything else in that area is still there except for the work of several writers being hated on by dipshits who got caught and buff the busline. these fuckers should grow the fuck up, or get up.

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Guest seattledied

<img src=http://hyperphoto.photoloft.com/view/exportImage.asp?s=cano&i=11039671&w=500&h=375>

<img src=http://hyperphoto.photoloft.com/view/exportImage.asp?s=cano&i=11039672&w=500&h=375>

<img src=http://hyperphoto.photoloft.com/view/exportImage.asp?s=cano&i=11039675&w=500&h=375>

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Originally posted by turd burgler

post some more days, he and this dude hour came to nyc and really crushed it. lots of dudes out here complain and shiet, that they are out of state fags or wutever. but they are just jealous. days style is so fresh right now. goodness



hey hey hey, there was a few other people there too....



god they got up though, didn't they.......

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